Wednesday, 2 December 2009

"if u r in uttar pradesh , don't even think to have an honest info-commissioner " - nishpaksh pratidin 30 nov issue news

respected all ,

please find below the link of a news item published in " nishpaksh
pratidin - 30 nov issue " .

please go thru and decide on ur own :

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urvashi sharma

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

RTI case study " black money in swiss banks strengthens sovereignty and integrity of india and its disclosure would hamper economic interests of the state " asserts PIO of DOR

dear mahendra
sending draft
make ness. changes if required



by speed post
To, Mr. Kamlesh C. Varshney ,
The Appellate Authority & The Director ( FT & TR-1) , Room no. 908 , C
wing , Hudco Vishala building , 14 , Bhikaji Cama Place , New Delhi -
Mohan Road , Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh - 226017


Sir ,
Please be informed that -
I made a request dated 29 September 2009 as per section 6 of RIGHT TO
INFORMATION ACT 2005 , to the PIO of the Prime Minister's office ,
{ Annexure -1 , copy enclosed } The abovementioned request was
accompanied with IPO no. 57E 761459 of ten rupees and was sent vide
SPEED POST no. SP EU708579222 IN dated 29-09-09 ,

• Vide letter no. RTI/2003/2009-PMR dated 15-10-09{ Annexure -2 ,
copy enclosed } ,The CPIO of PMO transferred my request letter dated
29 September 2009 to the Secretary to GOI , Deptt. of Revenue ,
north block new delhi under section 6(3) of RTI act 2005 ,

• The PIO of your office has sent letter no. F. No.
500/434/RTI/2009-FTD-I dated 10 November 2009 { Annexure -3 , copy
enclosed }to me . A bare perusal of this letter would reveal that The
PIO has -
1- Misinterpret section 8 ( 1 ) ( a ) of RTI act 2005 on point no. 1
of my letter of section 6

The PIO has written that communication between the swiss bank and the
GOI is the information, disclosure of which would prejudicially
affect the sovereignty and integrity of India, the security,
strategic, scientific or economic interests of the State, relation
with foreign State or lead to incitement of an offence

I strongly raise my objections agianst the pio's order . Infact the
disclosure of this information would reveal black faces of the corrupt
of india by unearthing the black money that shall demoralise such
practices in future and in the long run it shall go a long way off to
strengthen true democratic values.

so please punish the PIO and furnish me information required by me
i.e. the certified copies of all communication between the swiss bank
and the GOI in larger public interest .

2- Grossly violated section 6 (3) of RTI act 2005. On point no. 2 and
3 of my letter of section 6

The PIO has written that the information required by me does not
exists with your office. In this case he was duty bound to transfer
my letter of section 6 to the concerned PIO/PIOs as per section 6(3)
of the RTI Act 2005 ,

By not transferring these two points of my letter of section 6 , the
PIO has grossly violated the RTI act 2005 , so punish the PIO and
transfer my application as per section 6(3) of the rti act to the
concerned PIO

Hence this appeal under section 19(1) is being sent to the you to -
1. Receive the appeal and inquire into the matter ,
2. Ensure that I should get the required documents as per section 7(9)
of the RTI act and that too free of charge as per section 7(6) of RTI
act 2005 ,
3. Punish the Respondent PIO (for non-compliance of the act )as per
provisions of the act.


Enclosures: as above

Date :

Monday, 30 November 2009

RTI activists demand removal of tainted SCIC

RTI activists demand removal of tainted SCIC
TNN 30 November 2009, 03:51am IST

LUCKNOW: The RTI activists have approached Governor B L Joshi
individually and in small groups requesting him to take action against
the state chief

information commissioner (SCIC) Ranjit Singh Pankaj. A group of
activists handed over a memorandum to the governor office on Friday.

The opposition against Pankaj started after All India Right to
Information Awareness forum submitted a memorandum to governor a
fortnight back. The RTI activists and activist organisations wrote to
the governor to stop Pankaj from attending the office of the state
chief information commissioner in compliance to the section 17 of the
Right to Information Act, 2005.

"We are alarmed and distressed to learn that the present Uttar Pradesh
chief information commissioner, Sri Ranjit Singh Pankaj has been
penalised by the Allahabad high court," read the memorandum. The court
had slapped a fine of Rs 50,000 on him for "favouring a lessee
involved in illegal mining" during his previous stint as mining

The memorandum further stated that "even earlier to his appointment as
SCIC, the charges of corruption were levelled against him while he was
the district magistrate of Gorakhpur in 2008. The charges were
corroborated by the divisional commissioner, P K Mohanty, who
conducted an inquiry into the selection process of 3,448 safai
karamcharis. The probe report, acting on which the government
cancelled all the appointments, held Pankaj responsible for violating
norms and handpicking men of his choice, who later committed
irregularities, including accepting bribes."

"We are compelled to come together, endorse the concerns as stated
above, recommend and demand immediate removal of SCIC from office,"
said the memorandum. "We have been assured of necessary action in the
matter within 15 days' time by the governor's office," said activist,
Urvashi Sharma. The RTI activists, including Neeraj Kumar, Dev Dutt
Sharma and Akhilesh Saxena, signed the memorandum.
urvashi sharma

Sunday, 29 November 2009

if u r live , just show it by raising ur voice against the u p scic regulations to stop back door amendments to rti act

rept. all ,

more than a year ago , when we got air of illconceived plans of sic up
to implement scic regulations , we raised our voice n succeeded in
compelling the scic to defer their plans .
a news item from memorylanes about all this is given

Activists cry foul as UP Information Commission drafts regulations
Alka Pande
Tags : lucknow, government

Posted: Thursday , Sep 25, 2008 at 0208 hrs
Lucknow, September 24:

The UP State Information Commission has formulated some regulations
for the implementation of the Right to Information Act, which,
activists allege, are contrary to the spirit of the law enacted to
facilitate availability of information.

"The regulations of the state commission are the copy of the Central
Information Commission (CIC) rules and regulations, which reject 60
per cent cases on technical grounds," said Arvind Kejriwal, who was
actively involved in the formation of the RTI Act.

The commission has not sought public opinion while formulating the
regulations. But since the matter was posted on the commission
website, it has attracted suggestions from various quarters.

Chief Information Commissioner Wajahat Habibullah clarified that the
states have the authority to form regulations for the implementation
of the Act in its true spirit. But it is better to seek public opinion
while drafting the regulations, he added.

The activists from across the nation have now come together to oppose
the regulations and have demanded several amendments.

Social worker and RTI activist Urvashi Sharma from RTI Mahila Manch
has raised the issue by writing an open letter to the officiating
state Chief Information Commissioner, Gyanendra Sharma. Copies of the
letter have been sent to the President, besides the Governor and the
Chief Minster of Uttar Pradesh.

Urvashi says the rules are meant to make the process so complex that
it acts as a deterrent, and forces the applicant to seek legal help.

"The law was passed after a people's movement. It was drafted by civil
societies. Its rules should also be made through public discussions,"
she said.

Gyanendra Sharma said the regulations were basically for the
functioning of the commission, but still he got them posted at the
commission website.

"We are going through all suggestions and will incorporate whatever is
feasible before implementing them," said Sharma. He however, denied
that the regulations had been sent to the government for its approval.

"The question of sending the regulations to government does not arise
as they are an internal matter."

Some of the points in the SIC regulations and the counterpoints of the

* Rule 6 mentions a flexible two to four-week summer break and a
two-week winter break. Activists say: This lacks clarity. Besides,
this is unjustified when over 10,000 cases are pending with the SIC.

* Rule 8(1) (a) makes it mandatory for the appellant/complainant to
furnish his personal details, apart from name and address.
Activists say: Personal details are not specified.

* Rule 11(5) (b) says that the registrar can cancel cases that are not
maintainable due to "some" reasons.
Activists say: The word "some" is ambiguous.

* Rule 12 dealing with filing of counter by the public information
officer gives a bunch of relaxations to the PIO as it says, "after
getting the complaint/appeal, the PIO shall submit his counter (if
there is any) along with related documents.
Activists say: Why the words "if there is any" when according to Rule
10, the complainant/appellant has to send a copy of complaint/appeal
to the PIO and compulsorily furnish attested copies to the SIC while
filing the complaint/appeal

* Rule 12 says during hearing in commission, "generally" the PIO shall
present his view.
Activists say: Why is this not mandatory?

* Rule 15(5) says the commission shall pass order on the merits of the case.
Activists say: The term "speaking order" has not been used, which is
mandatory as per Section 4(1)d of the Act.
at that time acting scic sri gyanendra sharma assured us that any
decision in this effect shall be taken only after taking us in full
confidance. we had submitted our objections on these regulations to
the scic. but now the website of upsic shows it as final though the
sic says these r draft regulations.

now since the issue has surfaced once again , i request all fello
rti-activists of uttar pradesh to raise the issue without any further
delay lest rti act is deprived of its soul in uttar pradesh.


The SCIC regulations can be accessed at given link

उत्‍तर प्रदेश राज्‍य सूचना आयोग (संचालन) नियमावली, 2008

सूचना का अधिकार अधिनियम, 2005 की धारा 15(4) और दूसरे प्रा‍वधानों के
तहत दी गयी शक्तियों का प्रयोग करते हुए उत्‍तर प्रदेश राज्‍य सूचना आयोग
के मुख्‍य सूचना आयुक्‍त, राज्‍य सूचना आयोग के विभिन्‍न मामलों के
प्रभावी संचालन हेतु नि‍म्‍नलिखित नियम बनाते हैं:-

अध्‍याय:-1 संक्षिप्‍त नाम और प्रारंभ
1. नाम एवं प्रारम्‍भ तिथि: अ. इस नियमावली को राज्‍य सूचना आयोग
(संचालन) नियमावली
2008 के नाम से पुकारा जायेगा। आ. यह नियमावली उस तिथि से प्रभावशील होगी
जो मुख्‍य सूचना
आयुक्‍त अलग से आदेश जारी करके तय करेंगे।
इ. जो अपीलें/शिकायतें इस नियमावली के प्रभावी होने के पहले
पंजीकृत की जा चुकी हैं और जिनका निस्‍तारण हो चुका है उनके अलावा शेष पर
यह नियमावली लागू होगी। पूर्व में पंजीकृत् मामले तत्‍समय प्रभावी नियमों
के तहत सुने एवं निस्‍तारित किए जाएंगे। यह नियमावली उन पुराने वादों पर
भी लागू होगी जिनमें आगे कोई कार्यवाही प्रस्‍तावित की गई हो।

2. परिभाषाएं: इस नियमावली में प्रयुक्‍त शब्‍दों और संज्ञाओं की परिभाषा
इस प्रकार होगी:-
(i) ^अधिनियम* का तात्‍पर्य सूचना का अधिकार अधिनियम, 2005 से होगा।
(ii) ^अपीलकर्ता* की श्रेणी में शिकायतकर्ता भी शामिल होगा
(iii) ^आयोग* का तात्‍पर्य राज्‍य सूचना आयोग से है।
(iv) ^मुख्‍य सूचना आयुक्‍त* से तात्‍पर्य राज्‍य मुख्‍य सूचना आयुक्‍त से होगा।
(v) ^जसूधि* का तात्‍पर्य जन सूचना अधिकारी से है] जो अधिनियम की धारा
5(1) के तहत नियुक्‍त किया गया हो और इसमें 5(2) के तहत नियुक्‍त सहायक
जन सूचना अधिकारी भी शामिल होगा। इसकी परिभाषा में निम्‍नलिखित भी शामिल
अ. वह अधिकारी जिसके पास धारा 5(4) के तहत सूचना सम्‍बंधी आवेदन
स्‍थानांतरित किया गया हो,
आ. वह अधिकारी जिसके पास सूचना सम्‍बंधी आवेदन जसूधि ने स्‍वीक`ति या
निस्‍तारण हेतु भेजा हो और,
इ. कोई जन सूचना अधिकारी नियुक्‍त या अधिसूचित न होने की स्थिति में लोक
प्राधिकारी का प्रमुख।
(vi) ^निर्णय* से तात्‍पर्य किसी विषय पर आदेश-निर्देश और किसी विषय पर
निष्‍कर्ष से होगा।
(vii) ^प्रथम अपीलीय अधिकारी* से तात्‍पर्य इस अधिनियम के तहत संबंधित
लोक प्राधिकkरी द्वारा नियुDr किये गये विभागीय अपीलीय अधिकारी से होगा।
यदि किसी लोक प्राधिकारी द्वारा किसी प्रथम या विभागीय अपील अधिकारी की
नियुक्ति न की गई हो तो वह उस लोक प्राधिकारी का प्रमुख भी हो सकता है।
(viii) ^सूचना आयुक्‍त* से तात्‍पर्य इस कानून के तहत नियुक्ति किये गये
राज्‍य सूचना आयुक्‍त से होगा।
(ix) ^विहित* का तात्‍पर्य अधिनियम के तहत और इस नियमावली में विहित
नियमों से होगा
(x) ^अभिलेखों* का तात्‍पर्य उन कागजातों से होगा] जो अपील या शिकायत के
संबंध में उभयपक्षों द्वारा प्रतिउततर, टिप्‍पणh, प्रकियाओं और
तर्को-वितर्को के दौरान दिए जाएं या अन्‍यथा प्रस्‍तुत किये जाएं या बाद
में दिए जाने वाले अभिलेख या मौखिक साक्ष्‍य से होगा जो विभिन्‍न
निर्णयों, आदेशों आदि के दौरान दिए जाएं।
(xi) ^रजिस्‍ट्री* से तात्‍पर्य आयोग की रजिस्‍ट्री से होगा जिसमें
रजिस्‍ट्रार, अतिरिक्‍त रजिस्‍ट्रार, संयुक्‍त रजिस्‍ट्रार, उप
रजिस्‍ट्रार या सहायक रजिस्‍ट्रार शामिल होगें।
(xii) ^रजिस्‍ट्रार* से तात्‍पर्य आयोग के रजिस्‍ट्रार से होगाA इसमें
अतिरिक्‍त रजिस्‍ट्रार, संयुक्‍त रजिस्‍ट्रार, उप रजिस्‍ट्रार और सहायक
रजिस्‍ट्रार शामिल होंगे।
(xiii) ^नियमावली* से तात्‍पर्य नियमित नियमावली से होगा।
(xiv) ^प्रतिनिधि* से तात्‍पर्य विभिन्‍न पक्षों की ओर से या उनकीh ओर से
अधिकृत किये गये व्‍यक्ति से होगा] इसमें अधिवक्‍ता शामिल होंगे।
(xv) 'प्रतिवादी' से तात्‍पर्य हस्‍तक्षेप करने वाले पक्ष, द्वितीय पक्ष
व आयोग द्वारा बनाए गए पक्ष से होगा।
(xvi) 'नियम' से तात्‍पर्य राज्‍य सरकार द्वारा इस अधिनियम की धारा 27 के
अंतर्गत बनkये गये नियमों से होगा।
(xvii) 'धारा' से तात्‍पर्य इस अधिनियम में शामिल धारा से होगा।
(xviii) ऐसे शब्‍दों और अभिव्‍यक्तियों का जिन्‍हें यहां परिभाषित नहीं
किया गया है] उनका तात्‍पर्य इस अधिनियम या यहां बनाये जा रहे नियमों के
अंतर्गत दी गयी परिभाषाओं से होगा।

अध्‍याय:-2 आयोग के अधिकारी और उनके कर्तव्‍य

3. रजिस्‍ट्रार की नियुक्ति
आयोग की ओर से मुख्‍य सूचना आयुक्‍त को यह अधिकार होगा कि वह आयोग में
रजिस्‍ट्रार और अतिरिक्‍त रजिस्‍टा्र के पद पर कार्य करने के लिए माननीय
उच्‍च न्‍यायालय से जिला न्‍यायाधीश अथवा अपर जिला न्‍यायाधीश के समकक्ष
न्‍यायाधिकारियों को आयोग में प्रतिनियुक्ति पर भेजने हेतु अनुरोध करे।
आयोग अतिरिक्‍त रजिस्‍ट्रार, संयुक्‍त रजिस्‍ट्रार, उप रजिस्‍ट्रार या
सहायक रजिस्‍ट्रार के पद पर कार्य करने के लिए भी अपने अधिकारियों में से
किन्‍हीं को नामित कर सकेगा और उक्‍त रजिस्‍ट्रारों को अपने कर्तव्‍यों
का निर्वहन के लिए आवश्‍यक कर्मी उपलब्‍ध करायेगा।
4. रजिस्‍ट्रार की शक्तियां और कर्तव्‍य
(i) रजिस्‍ट्रार आयोग के न्‍याय पक्ष के मामले मेंa मुख्‍य कार्यकारी
अधिकारी होगा, कोई भी पत्राचार जो उन्‍हें संबोधित किया जायेगा वह आयोग
को संबोधित पत्राचार माना जायेगा और वह सभी न्‍यायिक मामलों में आयोग का
प्रतिनिधित्‍व करेगा।
(ii) रजिस्‍ट्रार मुख्‍य राज्‍य सूचना आयुक्‍त के नियंत्रण एवं अधीक्षण
में अपने कर्तव्‍यों का निर्वहन करेगा।
(iii) आयोग के सभी अभिलेख रजिस्‍ट्रार के नियंत्रण में होंगे।
(iv) आयोग की अधिकृत मोहर रजिस्‍ट्रार के नियंत्रणाधीन होगी।
(v) मुख्‍य राज्‍य सूचना आयुक्‍त के सामान्‍य व विशेष निर्देशों के तहत
आयोग की अधिकृत मोहर विभिन्‍न आदेशों, समन और रजिस्‍ट्रार के अधीन अन्‍य
प्रक्रियाओं में लगायी जा सकेगी।
(vi) आयोग की अधिकृत मोहर आयोग द्वारा जारी की जाने वाली किसी प्रमाणित
प्रतिलिपि पर नहीं लगायी जायेगी सिवा ऐसे मामलों के जिनमेंa स्‍वयं
रजिस्‍ट्रार इसके लिए आदेश करें।
(vii) रजिस्‍ट्रार का कार्यालय सभी आवेदन, अपील, प्रतिउत्‍तर, उत्‍तर और
अन्‍य अभिलेख प्राप्‍त करेगा।
(viii) सभी अपीलों और शिकायतों को पंजीकृत किये जाने के पूर्व तत्‍संबंधी
मामलों में रजिस्‍ट्रार के आदेशानुसार उनकी जांच-पड़ताल होगी।
(ix) रजिस्‍ट्रार को यह अधिकार होगा कि वह किसी भी आवेदन, अपील,
प्रतिउततर, उत्‍तर जो आयोग के समक्ष प्रस्‍तुत किये जायेगें] उनमेंsa इस
नियमावली के तहत आवश्‍यक संशोधन के आदेश कर सकेंगे।
(x) रजिस्‍ट्रार विभिन्‍न अपीलों, शिकायतों अथवा दूसरी सुनवाई के मामलों
में तारीख तय करेंगे और सुनवाई के लिए सूचीबद्ध मामलों की काWWजलिस्‍ट
तैयार करके उसे अग्रिम रूप से अधिसूचित करेंगे।
(xi) रजिस्‍ट्रार को अधिकार होगा कि वे प्रतिउत्‍तर, उत्‍तर आदि दाखिल
किये जाने के संबंध में अतिरिक्‍त समय दिए जाने के अनुरोध पर फैसला
(xii) रजिस्‍ट्रार, निर्धारित शुल्‍क लेने के बाद किसी भी पक्ष को आयोग
के तत्‍संबंधी अभिलेखों का निरीक्षण करा सकेगें और यह कार्यवाही आयोग के
किसी अधिकारी की देख-रेख और उपस्थिति में होगी।
(xiii) विभिन्‍न मामलों से संबंधित पक्षों को अभिलेखों की अधिकृत या
प्रमाणित प्रतियां केवल रजिस्‍ट्रार के अधिकार के तहत दी जायेगी।
(xiv) रजिस्‍ट्रार आयोग के सभी निर्णयों, आदेशों व निर्देशों को संबंधित
पक्षों को अवगत करायेंगे और उन पर हस्‍ताक्षर करके उन्‍हें प्रमाणित
करेंगे। इस तरह दिये गये सभी अभिलेख आयोग की तरफ से दिये गये अभिलेख माने
(xv) आयोग द्वारा जारी किये गये सभी आदेशों, निर्देशों व निर्णयों के
क्रियान्‍वयन की जिम्‍मेदारी रजिस्‍ट्रार की होगी और वह इस संबंध में सभी
आवश्‍यक कदम उठाने के लिए अधिकृत होगें।
(xvi) रजिस्‍ट्रार यह सुनिश्चित करेंगे कि अपीलों, शिकायतों और दुसरी
सुनवाई के दौरान आयोग में उचित व अनुकूल माहौल रहे और इसके लिए वे सभी
आवश्‍यक कदम उठा सकेंगे।
(xvii) रजिस्‍ट्रार इस नियमावली के तहत उन्‍हें सौंपे गये सभी दायित्‍यों
और अधिका‍रों का निर्वहन करेंगे और मुख्‍य सूचना आयुक्‍त इस संबंध में
समय समय पर उन्‍हें निर्देश दे सकेंगे।
(xviii) रजिस्‍ट्रार सभी राज्‍य सूचना आयुक्‍तों को उनके कर्तव्‍यों के
निष्‍पादन में सहायता करेंगे।
(xix) अतिरिक्‍त रजिस्‍ट्रार को रजिस्‍ट्रार की सभी शक्तियां प्राप्‍त
होंगी और वह रजिस्‍ट्रार के दिशा निर्देशों के अधीन कार्य करेंगे।
(xx) रजिस्‍ट्रार इस नियमावली के अधीन उल्लिखित दायित्‍वों व कार्यों का
निष्‍पादन अथवा संपादन सुनिश्चित करने के लिए मुख्‍य राज्‍य सूचना
आयुक्‍त की स्‍वीकृति से संयुक्‍त रजिस्‍ट्रार, उप रजिस्‍ट्रार व सहायक
रजिस्‍ट्रार को कोई भी कार्य सौंप सकेंगे।
अध्‍याय-3 कार्य के घण्‍टे और अवकाश इत्‍यादि

5. मुख्‍य राज्‍य सूचना आयुक्‍त के आदेश के अधीन आयोग का कार्यालय सभी
कार्य दिवसों में प्रात: 09:30 बजे से सायंकाल 06:00 बजे तक खुला रहेगा
और अपराह्नन 01:00 बजे से 02:00 बजे के बीच भोजनावकाश रहेगा।
6. मुख्‍य राज्‍य सूचना आयुक्‍त के निर्देशों के चलते आयोग में जून-जुलाई
के बीच 2 से 4 सप्‍ताह का ग्रीष्‍म अवकाश और दिसम्‍बर से जनवरी में 2
सप्‍ताह का शीतकालीन अवकाश घोषित किया जा सकेगा, लेकिन आयोग का कार्यालय
उक्‍त अवकाश के दौरान राजपत्रित अवकाश के अलावा बाकी दिनों में खुला
रहेगा। अवकाश के दिनों में अविलंबनीय व आवश्‍यक कार्यों के निष्‍पादन के
लिए मुख्‍य सूचना आयुक्‍त आवश्‍यक उपाय करेंगे।
अध्‍याय-4 पंजीकरण, निस्‍तारण अथवा अपील की वापसी
7. पंजीकरण एवं निस्‍तारण :
अपील अथवा शिकायत इत्‍यादि के संबंध में प्राप्‍त अपील, शिकायत,
आवेदन, वक्‍तव्‍य, प्रतिउत्‍तर, उत्‍तर इत्‍यादि अथवा कोई भी अन्‍य
अभिलेख जो आयोग के समक्ष दायर किया जायेगा वह या तो टाइप किया गया या
मुद्रित होगा अथवा साफ-साफ और स्‍पष्‍टत: पठनीय विधि से और सुसंस्‍कृत
भाषा में लिखा जायेगा और उसमें किसी तरह की असभ्‍य या गाली गलौज वाली
भाषा का प्रयोग नहीं किया जायेगा। अपील, शिकायत अथवा आवेदन जो भी आयोग के
समक्ष लिये जायेंगे वह दो प्रतियां में होंगे और वे पेपर बुक के फार्म
में देय होंगे।

8. अपील/शिकायत की विषय वस्‍तु:
1- आयोग के समक्ष प्रस्‍तुत की जानी वाली अपील/शिकायत के साथ
निम्‍नलिखित अभिलेख/सूचनाएं संलग्‍न किया जाना आवश्‍यक है:- यथा,
अ. अपीलकर्ता/शिकायतकर्ता का नाम पता और दूसरा व्‍यक्तिगत विवरण। आ.
उस जन सूचना अधिकारी का नाम व पता जिसके खिलाफ अधिनियम
की धारा 18 के अंतर्गत शिकायत की जा रही है अथवा प्रथम अपीलीय
अधिकारी का नाम व पता जिसके खिलाफ धारा 19(1) के अंतर्गत द्वितीय अपील
की जा रही है।
इ. उस निर्णय का विवरण, जिसमें उसकी संख्‍या व दिनांक शामिल होगा,
जिसके कि खिलाफ अपील की जा रही है।
ई. अपील/शिकायत के कारणों का संक्षिप्‍त विवरण। उ. यदि अपील या शिकायत
सूचना देने से इंकार किये जाने या सूचना न
दिए जाने के खिलाफ की जा रही है तो उक्‍त जन सूचना अधिकारी को
दिये गये आवेदन का विवरण अथवा प्रथम अपीलीय अधिकारी के समक्ष
की गयी अपील का विवरण। ऊ. अपील/शिकायत के माध्‍यम से क्‍या
राहत मांगी जा रही है या क्‍या
प्रार्थना की जा रही है, उसका विवरण।
ए. उक्‍त प्रार्थना/राहत मांगने का आधार। ऐ. अपीलकर्ता/शिकायतकर्ता
द्वारा प्रस्‍तुत विवरण को स्‍वप्रमाणित किया
जाना। ओ. ऐसा कोई विवरण जिससे आयोग को अपील/शिकायत के निस्‍तारण
में मदद मिले।
2- दर्ज की जाने वाली शिकायत के साथ आवश्‍यक रूप से नत्‍थी किए जाने वाले
अभिलेख/सूचनाएं उसी तरह से दी जाएंगी जैसी कि अपील के मामले में दी जानी
होती हैं।

9. अपील/शिकायत के साथ नत्‍थी किये जाने वाले अभिलेख:
आयोग के समक्ष की जानी वाली प्रत्‍येक अपील/शिकायत के साथ निम्‍नलिखित
अभिलेख/दस्‍तावेज स्‍वप्रमाणित करके भेजा जाना अनिवार्य होगा:- अ. जन
सूचना अधिकारी के समक्ष दी गयी सूचना संबंधी आवेदन और उसके साथ
जमा किये गये शुल्‍क का प्रमाण। आ. यदि उक्‍त जन सूचना अधिकारी द्वारा
उक्‍त आवेदन पर कोई आदेश/निर्णय दिया
गया है तो उसकी प्रतिलिपि।
इ. प्रथम अपीलीय अधिकारी के समक्ष दायर की गयी अपील की प्रति एवं
उसे दायर किये जाने का प्रमाण।
ई. प्रथम अपीलीय अधिकारी द्वारा यदि संबंधित अपील पर कोई निर्णय या
आदेश जारी किये गये हैं तो उसकी प्रतिलिपि।
उ. वे दस्‍तावेज/अभिलेख जिसके आधार पर अपील/शिकायत की जा रही है।
ऊ. अपीलकर्ता/शिकायतकर्ता का यह प्रमाणपत्र कि जिस विषय पर वह अपील या
शिकायत कर रहा है उसके बारे में उसने पहले कोई अपील या शिकायत आयोग में
नहीं की है और न ही उसके संबंध में किसी न्‍यायालय अथवा किसी न्‍यायाधिरण
के समक्ष कोई मामला दायर है या उनके समक्ष विचाराधीन है।
ए. अपील/शिकायत के साथ नत्‍थी किये जा रहे अभिलेखों की सूची।
ऐ. अपील/शिकायत पर हुई कार्यवाही/सुनवाई आदि का तिथिवार विवरण
जो सभी अभिलेखों के ऊपर नत्‍थी किया जाये।

10. अपील/शिकायत की प्रतियों का दिया जाना
आयोग के समक्ष कोई भी अपील या शिकायत दर्ज कराने के पूर्व परंतु यदि जो
शिकायतकर्ता धारा 18 के अंतर्गत शिकायत करता है और उसे संबंधित जनसूचना
अधिकारी अथवा प्रथम अपीलीय अधिकारी का नाम या पता यदि ज्ञात नहीं है तो
अपनी शिकायत लोक प्राधिकारी के अथवा उसके प्रमुख के कार्यालय में देगा और
उक्‍त कार्यालय में अपनी शिकायत दर्ज करने का प्रमाण आयोग के समक्ष देगा।

11¬. अपील/शिकायत का प्रस्‍तुतीकरण और उसकी दस्‍तावेजी जॉच:
1- आयोग का रजिस्‍ट्रार या उसकी तरफ से अधिकृत कर्मी अपील/शिकायत
प्राप्‍त करेगा और यह देखेगा कि:-
(अ) क्‍या अपील/शिकायत निर्धारित प्रारूप के अनुसार की गयी है और
(आ) सभी विवरण/दस्‍तावेज अपीलकर्ता/शिकायतकर्ता द्वारा स्‍वप्रमाणित
किये गये हैं और कि
(इ) अपील/शिकायत इस नियमावली के विभिन्‍न नियमों के तहत दायर की गयी है।
2- रजिस्‍ट्रार यह भी सुनिश्चित करेगा कि अपील/शिकायत के साथ निम्‍नलिखित
दस्‍तावेज व उनकी प्रतिलिपियां निर्धारित विधि से संलग्‍न की गयी हैं:-
(अ) सूचना संबंधित आवेदन
(आ) सूचना संबंधित आवेदन जमा किये जाने की रसीद (इ) जमा की गयी फीस,
अतिरिक्‍त शुल्‍क के भुगतान का प्रमाण (यदि कोई हो)
(ई) संबंधित जन सूचना अधिकारी द्वारा दिये गये आदेश/निर्णय/उत्‍तर की
प्रतिलिपि (यदि कोई हो)
(उ) प्रथम अपीलीय अधिकारी के समक्ष की गयी अपील और प्रथम अपीलीय अधिकारी
द्वारा जारी किये गये आदेश/निर्णय (यदि कोई हो)
3- रजिस्‍ट्रार या अधिकृत कर्मी प्रत्‍येक अपील/शिकायत की जांच पड़ताल
करेगा और यह सुनिश्चित करेगा कि,
(अ) अपील/शिकायत बाकायदा प्रमाणित हो और उसकी प्रति वांछित
संख्‍या में जमा की गयी है।
(आ) जमा किये गये सभी दस्‍तावेज पृष्‍ठांकित किये गये हैं और वे
अपीलकर्ता/शिकायतकर्ता द्वारा प्रमाणित हैं।
(इ) जो दस्‍तावेज जमा किये जा रहे हैं वे स्‍पष्‍ट रूप से लिखे गये हैं और
पठनीय हैं।
4- रजिस्‍ट्रार या अधिकृत कर्मी ऐसी किसी अपील/शिकायत को वापस लौटा देगा
जो उपरोक्‍त विधि/प्रारूप के तहत प्रस्‍तुत नहीं की गयी है। वह उक्‍त
अपील/शिकायत को दोबारा निर्धारित प्रारूप पर दर्ज किये जाने की अनुमति दे
5- रजिस्‍ट्रार को यह अधिकार होगा कि वह किसी अपील/शिकायत को खारिज कर दे यदि,
(अ) वह कालातीत है या (आ) वह किन्‍ही कारणवश पोषणीय नहीं है। या (इ) वह
इस नियमावली में निर्धारित नियमों के अंतर्गत नहीं आती है परन्‍तु शर्त
यह होगी कि कोई भी अपील/शिकायत रजिस्‍ट्री द्वारा तब तक खारिज नहीं की
जायेगी जब तक अपीलकर्ता/शिकायतकर्ता को उसके बारे में अपनी बात कहने का
मौका नहीं दिया जाता। अपील/शिकायत की पोषणीयता के संबंध में रजिस्‍ट्र।र
का जो निर्णय होगा, अंतिम माना जायेगा।
6- वे सारी अपीलें/शिकायतें जो अस्‍वीकार या वापस नहीं की जाती हैं और जो
नियमत: पायी जाती है उन्‍हें विधिवत् पंजीकृत किया जायेगा और प्रत्‍येक
को एक विशिष्‍ट नंबर दिया जायेगा।
7- रजिस्‍ट्रार या आयोग द्वारा अधिकृत कोई अन्‍य अधिकारी प्रत्‍येक
अपील/शिकायत पर उस तारीख का अंकन करेगा जिस तारीख को वह प्रस्‍तुत की गई
8- सभी अपीलों/शिकायतों का अलग-अलग नंबर होगा ताकि उन्‍हें आसानी से
चिन्हित किया जा सके।
9- यदि किसी अपील/शिकायत में कोई खामी या कमी पायी जाती है जो तकनीकी हो
तो रजिस्‍ट्रार संबंधित अपीलकर्ता/शिकायतकर्ता से अपनी उपस्थिति में ही
खामी/कमी को दुरुस्‍त करा सकता है अथवा उसे दो सप्‍ताह का समय इसके लिए
दिया जा सकता है। यदि ऐसी कमी/खामी वाली अपील/शिकायत डाक से प्राप्‍त हो
तो रजिस्‍ट्रार द्वारा अपीलकर्ता/शिकायतकर्ता को इसे दुरुस्‍त करने के
लिए लिखेगा और इसके लिए तीन सप्‍ताह का समय उसे देगा।
10- यदि अपीलकर्ता/शिकायतकर्ता उक्‍त खामी/कमी को दी गयी समयावधि में
दुरुस्‍त नहीं करता है तो उक्‍त अपील/शिकायत वापस ली हुई मानी जायेगी।
11- यदि अपील/शिकायत जो अन्‍यथा त्रुटिपूर्ण होगी या निर्धारित प्रारूप
के अनुकूल नहीं होगी तो उसे खारिज कर दिया जायेगा। परंतु यदि रजिस्‍ट्रार
चाहे तो अपने विवेकानुसार शिकायतकर्ता/अपीलकर्ता को उचित या निर्धारित
प्रारूप पर नये आवेदन देने की अनुमति दे सकता है।
12- किसी अपील/शिकायत को उस सूरत में कभी भी खारिज किया जा सकेगा जब इस
बात की पुष्टि हो जाय कि उसके साथ नत्‍थी कोई भी अभिलेख या दस्‍तावेज या
कोई भी अन्‍य सम्‍बंधित सामग्री सत्‍य से परे है, भ्रामक है, अर्धसत्‍य
है, उसमें तथ्‍यों को छिपाने की कोशिश की गई है।

12. जनसूचना अधिकारी/प्रथम अपीलीय अधिकारी द्वारा प्रतिउत्‍तर दाखिल किया
जाना: अपील/शिकायत की प्राप्ति के बाद जनसूचना अधिकारी/प्रथम अपीलीय
अधिकारी अपना प्रतिउत्‍तर (यदि कोई हो) सम्‍बंधित दस्‍तावेजों के सहित
दाखिल करेगा और इसकी प्रतिलिपि अपीलकर्ता/शिकायतकर्ता को उसके या उसके
लोक प्राधिकारी द्वारा भेजी जायेगी। आयोग में सुनवाई के समय सामान्‍य तौर
पर जन सूचना अधिकारी अथवा प्रथम अपील अधिकारी (जैसा कि मामला हो) ही अपना
पक्ष रखेंगे। यदि किसी कारणवश वे आयोग के समक्ष उ‍पस्थित न हो पा रहे हों
तो अपने समकक्ष या वरीयता क्रम में अपने से एक क्रम नीचे के अधिकारी को
पूरे विवरण के साथ आयोग में भेज सकते हैं लेकिन उनके लिए इस सम्‍बंध में
यह स्‍पष्‍टीकरण देना अनिवार्य होगा कि वे आयोग के समक्ष क्‍यों नहीं
उपस्थित हो पा रहे हैं।

13. सूचना आयुक्‍त के समक्ष अपील/शिकायत का प्रस्‍तुतीकरण:
1- कोई भी अपील/शिकायत या विभिन्‍न अपीलें या शिकायतें जो एक निर्धारित
श्रेणी की हों, उन्‍हें एक राज्‍य सूचना आयुक्‍त, दो राज्‍य सूचना
आयुक्‍त की खण्‍डपीठ अथवा तीन या अधिक आयुक्‍तों की पूर्ण खण्‍डपीठ
द्वारा सुना जायेगा और यह मुख्‍य सूचना आयुक्‍त के विशिष्‍ट या सामान्‍य
आदेश के तहत होगा जो वे इस आशय के लिए समय-समय पर जारी करेंगे।
2- यदि किसी अपील/शिकायत की सुनवाई के दौरान सूचना आयुक्‍त की एकल पीठ यह
समझती है कि प्रश्‍नगत मामले से ही सम्‍बंधित कोई वाद किसी अन्‍य आयुक्‍त
द्वारा सुना जा रहा है या उनके निर्णयाधीन है तो वह इसे सम्‍बंधित
आयुक्‍त को संदर्भित करने के लिए मुख्‍य सूचना आयुक्‍त को भेज सकेगी। उकल
पीठ यदि समझती है कि प्रश्‍नगत वाद को किसी खण्‍डपीठ या पूर्ण खण्‍डपीठ
द्वारा सुना जाना चाहिए तो वह इस मामले को मुख्‍य सूचना आयुक्‍त को
संदर्भित करेगी। तत्‍पश्‍चात ऐसी पीठ का गठन मुख्‍य राज्‍य सूचना आयुक्‍त
द्वारा मामले की सुनवाई और निस्‍तारण के लिए किया जायेगा।
3- इसी तरह यदि किसी मामले की सुनवाई के समय खण्‍डपीठ यह समझती है कि
मामले को पूर्ण खण्‍डपीठ द्वारा सुना जाना चाहिए या फिर पूर्ण पीठ के समझ
सुनवाई के दौरान वह इस निष्‍कर्ष पर पहुंचती है कि इसे और बड़ी पीठ
द्वारा सुना जाना चाहिए तो वह मामले को मुख्‍य सूचना आयुक्‍त को संदर्भित
करेंगे और तत्‍पश्‍चात वे मामले की सुनवाई और उसके निस्‍तारण के लिए पीठ
का गठन करेंगे।

14. अपील/शिकायत में संशोधन व उसका वापस लिया जाना:
आयोग अपने विवेकानुसार किसी भी अपील या शिकायत में संशोधन किये जाने या
उसे वापस लिये जाने का अनुरोध यदि वह लिखित रूप में किया गया हो तो उसे
अपने विवेकानुसार स्‍वीकार कर सकता है। परंतु कोई अनुरोध या प्रार्थना तब
स्‍वीकार नहीं की जायेगी जब संबंधित मामले में अंतिम सुनवाई हो चुकी हो
या कोई आदेश या निर्णय जारी कर दिया गया हो।

15. अपीलकर्ता/शिकायतकर्ता की व्‍यक्तिगत उपस्थिति:
1- अपीलकर्ता/शिकायतकर्ता को सुनवाई की तारीख के बारे में कम से कम सात
दिन पूर्व सूचना दी जानी चाहिए।
2- अपीलकर्ता/शिकायतकर्ता अपने विवेकानुसार सुनवाई के दौरान स्‍वयं
उपस्थित हो सकता है अथवा अपने किसी अधिकृत प्रतिनिधि को उपस्थित कर सकता
है अथवा वह अनुपस्थित भी रह सकता है। अपीलकर्ता/शिकायतकर्ता यदि आयोग में
सुनवाई के समय अनुपस्थित रहने का विकल्‍प चुनता है तो उसे अपनी यह मंशा
अपनी मूल शिकायत/अपील में लिखित रूप में जाहिर कर देनी चाहिए।
3- यदि आयोग इस नतीजे पर पहुंचता है कि ऐसी प‍रिस्थितियां हैं, जिन में
अपीलकर्ता/शिकायतकर्ता को आयोग के समक्ष सुनवाई से दूर रखा जा रहा है तो
अपीलकर्ता/शिकायतकर्ता को मामले में अंतिम निर्णय से पूर्व सुनवाई का एक
और अवसर दे सकते हैं अथवा इस मामले में ऐसी कोई कार्यवाही कर सकता है
जिसे वह उचित समझे।
4- अपीलकर्ता/शिकायतकर्ता आयोग में अपने पक्ष के प्रस्‍तुतीकरण के समय
किसी भी व्‍यक्ति की सहायता ले सकता है और यह व्‍यक्ति अधिवक्‍ता के
अलावा भी कोई हो सकता है।
5- यदि अपीलकर्ता/शिकायतकर्ता बिना किसी पूर्व सूचना के आयोग में सुनवाई
के समय अनुपस्थित रहता है तो आयोग प्रस्‍तुत वाद में एकपक्षीय निर्णय
देने से पूर्व उसे अपना पक्ष प्रस्‍तुत करने का एक और अवसर दे सकता है।
लेकिन दूसरी सुनवाई के समय भी अपीलकर्ता/शिकायतकर्ता बिना किसी सूचना के
अनुपस्थित रहता है तो आयोग गुणदोष के आधार पर वाद पर अपना निर्णय देगा।
6- यदि वाद की दो लगातार सुनवाई के समय दोनों ही पक्ष बिना किसी सूचना के
अनुपस्थित रहते हैं तो आयोग या तो इस आदेश के साथ कि दोनों ही पक्षों की
दिलचस्‍पी प्रस्‍तुत वाद में नहीं रह गई है, उसे खारिज कर सकेगा या फिर
वह प्रतिवादी की अनिवार्य उपस्थिति के लिए सम्‍बंधित जन सूचना अधिकारी
या लोक प्राधिकारी के किसी अन्‍य वरिष्‍ठ अधिकारी को आवश्‍यक आदेश जारी
कर सकेगा और वाद के अंतिम निस्‍तारण के लिए एक और तारीख मुकर्रर कर
7- विचाराधीन वाद में जब दोनों ही पक्ष उपस्थित हों और आयोग यदि मामले को
किसी अन्‍य तिथि को सुने जाने का निश्‍चय करे तो सुनवाई की अगली तिथि का
निर्धारण आयोग के उस दिन दिए गए आदेश का हिस्‍सा होगा और इसकी जानकारी
देने के लिए किसी भी पक्ष को अलग से कोई नोटिस जारी नहीं की जाएगी।

16. सुनवाई की तिथि को घोषित किया जाना: आयोग द्वारा किसी भी
अपील/शिकायत की सुनवाई की तारीख और स्‍थान की सूचना संबंधित पक्ष को इस
तरह से देगा जैसा कि मुख्‍य राज्‍य सूचना आयुक्‍त अपने सामान्‍य या
विशिष्‍ट आदेश द्वारा निर्देशित करेंगे।

17. सुनवाई का स्‍थगन: कोई भी अपीलकर्ता/शिकायतकर्ता अथवा कोई भी अन्‍य
पक्ष विधि सम्‍मत और उपयुक्‍त कारणों से सुनवाई को स्‍थगित किये जाने के
संबंध में आवेदन दे सकेगा जिस पर आयोग जैसा उचित समझे आदेश पारित कर

18. आयोग के समक्ष साक्ष्‍य:
अपील/शिकायत पर निर्णय देते समय आयोग:- 1- शपथ या शपथपत्र पर
मौखिक या लिखित साक्ष्‍य संबंधित व्‍यक्ति या
व्‍यक्तियों से ले सकेगा। 2- संबंधित अभिलेख अथवा उसकी
प्रतिलिपियों का निरीक्षण व जांच पड़ताल
कर सकेगा।
3- अधिकृत अधिकारी के माध्‍यम से मामले के विभिन्‍न विवरणों/तथ्‍यों के
बारे में जांच पड़ताल कर सकेगा। 4- किसी भी जनसूचना अधिकारी, सहायक
जनसूचना अधिकारी, अथवा उस
विशिष्‍ट अधिकारी को, जिसने प्रथम अपील का निस्‍तारण किया हो अथवा
ऐसे व्‍यक्ति या व्‍यक्तियों जिनके खिलाफ शिकायत की गयी हो उनको
व्‍यक्तिगत रूप से सुन सकेगा, एक्‍जामिन कर सकेगा अथवा उनसे
शपथ पत्र पर साक्ष्‍य प्राप्‍त किए जा सकेंगे।
5- ऐसे तृतीय पक्ष को अथवा हस्‍तक्षेप करने वाले को अथवा किसी अन्‍य
व्‍यक्ति या व्‍यक्तियों को, जिनका संबंधित मामले में साक्ष्‍य आवश्‍यक या
प्रसांगिक हो, उन्‍हें व्‍यक्तिगत रूप से सुन सकेगा, उन्‍हें एक्‍जामिन कर
सकेगा अथवा शपथपत्र पर उनसे साक्ष्‍य प्राप्‍त किया जा सकेगा।

19. सम्‍मन जारी करना:
आयोग के समक्ष विभिन्‍न पक्षों अथवा गवाहों की उपस्थिति अथवा
अभिलेख/दस्‍तावेज अथवा अन्‍य चीजों को प्रस्‍तुत किये जाने के बारे में
रजिस्‍ट्रार द्वारा आयोग की ओर से समन जारी किया जायेगा और यह कार्य आयोग
द्वारा निर्धारित विधि से किया जायेगा।
20. जांच के आदेश: किसी भी अपील/शिकायत जो आयोग के समक्ष विचाराधीन है
उसके संबंध में आयोग किसी जांच का आदेश रजिस्‍ट्रार या अन्‍य अधिकारी को
दे सकता है। रजिस्‍ट्रार या ऐसा कोई अधिकारी जिसे जांच का काम सौंपा
जाये, उसे सभी आवश्‍यक अधिकार प्राप्‍त होंगे जिसमें निम्‍नलिखित अधिकार
शामिल हैं:-
1- विभिन्‍न व्‍यक्तियों को समन जारी करने और उन्‍हें उपस्थिति के लिए बाध्‍य
2- दस्‍तावेज अथवा अन्‍य वस्‍तुओं को आयोग के समक्ष प्रस्‍तुत करने के लिए
बाध्‍य करना
3- शपथ दिलाना/मौखिक साक्ष्‍य लेना अथवा शपथ पत्र या लिखित साक्ष्‍य
प्राप्‍त करना।
4- दस्‍तावेजों का परीक्षण करना और दस्‍तावेजों के प्रस्‍तुतीकरण के लिए
आदेश देना तथा
5- किसी भी लोक प्राधिकारी से कोई भी सार्वजनिक अभिलेख अथवा दस्‍तावेज
21. आयोग द्वारा हर्जाने का आदेश दिया जाना: आयोग मामले के तथ्‍यों और
परिस्थिति के ध्‍यान में रखते हुए विभिन्‍न
पक्षों को ऐसे हर्जाने के भुगतान का आदेश दे सकता है जिसे वह उचित समझे।
22. आदेश या निर्णयों को जारी किया जाना:
1- आयोग के प्रत्‍येक निर्णय/आदेश पर उस आयुक्‍त एवं आयुक्‍तों द्वारा
हस्‍ताक्षर किया जायेगा और उसे दिनांकित किया जाएगा जिसने उससे सम्‍बंधित
अपील/शिकायत को सुना हो और उस पर निर्णय दिया हो। प्रत्‍येक आदेश/निर्णय
को रजिस्‍टार द्वारा प्रमाणित किया जाएगा।
2- आयोग का प्रत्‍येक निर्णय/आदेश वाद की सुनवाई के समय सुनाया जायेगा और
उसे लिख्रित रूप में रजिस्‍ट्ार या किसी अन्‍य अधिक़ृत अधिकारी द्वारा
प्रमाणित किया जाएगा।
3- कोई भी निर्णय/आदेश चाहे वह एक सूचना आयुक्‍त या खण्‍डपीठ या
तीन से अधिक सूचना आयुक्‍तों की पूर्ण पीठ द्वारा सुनाया जायेगा, उसे
आयोग द्वारा इस अधिनियम के तहत जारी किया गया निर्णय/आदेश
माना जायेगा।
4- आयोग के निर्णय/आदेश की नकल उक्‍त निर्णय या आदेश के पारित
होने के चार कार्य दिवस बाद आयोग के कार्यालय से स्‍वत: अथवा
अपने अधिकृत प्रतिनिधि के माध्‍यम से अथवा खुद का पता अंकित
टिकट लगा 10 गुणा 4 का खाली लिफाफा आयोग के कार्यालय में जमा
करके डाक से प्राप्‍त किया जा सकेगा।

23. अंतिम निर्णय:
1- आयोग द्वारा सुनाया गया निर्णय/आदेश अंतिम होगा। 2- हालांकि कोई भी
अपीलकर्ता/शिकायतकर्ता अथवा परिवादी मुख्‍य सूचना आयुक्‍त को आवेदन देकर
उक्‍त निर्णय/आदेश पर पुनर्विचार के लिए
पुनर्विचार याचिका (स्‍पेशल लीव पिटीशन) दायर कर सकेगा और इसमें वह उन
कारणों का उल्‍लेख करेगा जिन पर उसकी प्रार्थना आधारित है।
3- मुख्‍य सूचना आयुक्‍त ऐसे किसी प्रार्थना के मिलने के बाद उस पर
उचित आदेश जारी करेंगे और उचित समझेंगे तो उसे पुनर्विचार के लिए
सम्‍बंधित आयुक्‍त/आयुक्‍तों या उनकी सम्‍बंधित पीठ, जिसने वह आदेश दिया
हो, को पुनर्विचार के लिए संदर्भित कर सकेंगे।

24. अपील/शिकायत की समाप्ति: किसी अपीलकर्ता/शिकायतकर्ता की आयोग के
समक्ष विचाराधीन कार्यवाही उसके निधन के बाद समाप्‍त मानी जायेगी।

अध्‍याय-5 विविध:
25. मोहर एवं प्रतीक चिन्‍ह: आयोग की अधिकृत मोहर एवं प्रतीक चिन्‍ह ऐसा
होगा जैसा कि आयोग स्‍वयं तैयार करे।

26. आयोग की भाषा: 1- कोई भी अपील/शिकायत आयोग के समक्ष दस्‍तावेजों एवं
प्रतिलिपियों के साथ हिन्‍दी या अंग्रेजी में दायर की जा सकेगी।
जो भी दस्‍तावेज संलग्‍न
किया जायेगा वह अंग्रेजी या हिन्‍दी जिस भाषा में भी होगा उसमें ही उसे
नत्‍थी करके भेजा जाये। यह उपबंध, प्रतिउत्‍तर, उत्‍तर अथवा आयोग के
समक्ष प्रस्‍तुत किये जाने वाले किसी भी अभिलेख/दस्‍तावेज पर लागू होगा।
2- आयोग की कार्यवाही हिन्‍दी भाषा में सम्‍पादित की जायेगी।
----- / -----
please help save rti .

best regards

urvashi sharma

legal aspect of section 17 of rti act 2005 - clarification required

Respected All
I am a social worker , most of the times driven by emotions though
necessarily with a justified logic embedded in it . I am not a legal
expert but understand law on the basis of my logical approach to it n
that's why I know I am not legally right all the times but I intend to
put the right things before others. I believe that we all activists
are an individual entity and its better to express my weakness before
myself than others tell this to me later on.
So please guide me On legal aspects on the issue of Removal of Uttar
Pradesh State Chief Information Commissioner Ranjit Singh Pankaj.
( 1 ) Section 17 subsection (1) has the condition " Subject to the
provisions of subsection (3) ", to me this means that subsection 3
overrides subsection 1 . please tell me if I am wrong.
( 2 ) Again section 17 subsection (3) says Notwithstanding anything
contained in sub-section (1), the Governor may by order remove from
office the State Chief Information Commissioner if a State Chief
Information Commissioner (b) has been convicted of an offence which,
in the opinion of the Governor, involves moral turpitude;
The section 17 subsection (3) has condition " Notwithstanding
anything contained in sub-section (1) " , to me this means in spite of
the laid down provisions of subsection (1) , provisions of subsection
( 3 ) shall have overriding effect on subsection ( 1 ) .
( 3 ) Section 17 subsection (4) states some conditions that shall also
be taken into consideration for the purposes of sub-section (1) .
( 4 ) So in my view , in section 17, subsection 3 is the ultimate n
gives immense powers to an honest governor for an honest n just
functioning of ICs .
( 5 ) On the issue of penalization of Ranjit singh Pankaj by
Allahabad high court i.e. slapping a fine of Rs 50,000 on Singh for
"misleading the court and extending favors to a lessee involved in
illegal mining" during his previous tenure as the mining secretary in
the state government and The court taking a strict view of the role of
Pankaj as the mining secretary and directing pankaj to submit Rs
50,000 as fine to the registrar general of the high court from his
salary through bank draft within four weeks for "concealing facts,
telling lies" and favoring the wrong man instead of taking action
against him.

I want to know if in compliance to above order the person named Pankaj
who is SCIC also shall take 50000/- out of the salary a/c of SCIC ,
shall make a draft and deposit it with the registrar or it is some
other Pankaj who shall do it? Then how SCIC Pankaj is not guilty of
moral turpitude . If the past of a public servant ( SCIC ) has no
bearing on his future assignments ? then does this mean that the
general service rules of public servants are not applicable on SCIC ,
another public servant?

In a nutshell I want to know if pankaj's case is a case of proved
professional misconduct involving proved moral turpitude or not ?

If law permits a corrupt and convicted person to hold a public post ?

pls. guide



Respected All
I am a social worker , most of the times driven by emotions though
necessarily with a justified logic embedded in it . I am not a legal
expert but understand law on the basis of my logical approach to it n
that's why I know I am not legally right all the times but I intend to
put the right things before others. I believe that we all activists
are an individual entity and its better to express my weakness before
myself than others tell this to me later on.
So please guide me On legal aspects on the issue of Removal of Uttar
Pradesh State Chief Information Commissioner Ranjit Singh Pankaj.
( 1 ) Section 17 subsection (1) has the condition " Subject to the
provisions of subsection (3) ", to me this means that subsection 3
overrides subsection 1 . please tell me if I am wrong.
( 2 ) Again section 17 subsection (3) says Notwithstanding anything
contained in sub-section (1), the Governor may by order remove from
office the State Chief Information Commissioner if a State Chief
Information Commissioner (b) has been convicted of an offence which,
in the opinion of the Governor, involves moral turpitude;
The section 17 subsection (3) has condition " Notwithstanding
anything contained in sub-section (1) " , to me this means in spite of
the laid down provisions of subsection (1) , provisions of subsection
( 3 ) shall have overriding effect on subsection ( 1 ) .
( 3 ) Section 17 subsection (4) states some conditions that shall also
be taken into consideration for the purposes of sub-section (1) .
( 4 ) So in my view , in section 17, subsection 3 is the ultimate n
gives immense powers to an honest governor for an honest n just
functioning of ICs .
( 5 ) On the issue of penalization of Ranjit singh Pankaj by
Allahabad high court i.e. slapping a fine of Rs 50,000 on Singh for
"misleading the court and extending favors to a lessee involved in
illegal mining" during his previous tenure as the mining secretary in
the state government and The court taking a strict view of the role of
Pankaj as the mining secretary and directing pankaj to submit Rs
50,000 as fine to the registrar general of the high court from his
salary through bank draft within four weeks for "concealing facts,
telling lies" and favoring the wrong man instead of taking action
against him.

I want to know if in compliance to above order the person named Pankaj
who is SCIC also shall take 50000/- out of the salary a/c of SCIC ,
shall make a draft and deposit it with the registrar or it is some
other Pankaj who shall do it? Then how SCIC Pankaj is not guilty of
moral turpitude . If the past of a public servant ( SCIC ) has no
bearing on his future assignments ? then does this mean that the
general service rules of public servants are not applicable on SCIC ,
another public servant?

In a nutshell I want to know if pankaj's case is a case of proved
professional misconduct involving proved moral turpitude or not ?

If law permits a corrupt and convicted person to hold a public post ?



Saturday, 28 November 2009

" freedom of information " news from egypt

Journalists, civil society groups call for freedom of information coalition

SOURCE: Egyptian Organization for Human Rights

(EOHR/IFEX) - At the end of a seminar entitled "Towards a free information
society" held by The Egyptian Organization for Human Rights (EOHR) on 22
November 2009 at EOHR's office, a number of journalists, media workers,
legal experts, representatives of Parliament, IT professionals and human
rights activists agreed to establish a freedom of information coalition
based on international standards of freedom of information. Conference
attendants called on the government to draft the necessary legislation and
to allow public debate on the issue.

The conference was organised in cooperation with the Center for Media
Freedom in the Middle East and North Africa – Morocco, with the support of
the Beyster Institute - California University.

Mr. Hafez Abu Seada, Secretary General of EOHR, said that the freedom to
circulate information and data was basic to any democratic system and
constituted the most important tool for citizens to exercise their full
rights of citizenship.

Abu Seada added that in reviewing the status of freedom of information in
Egypt, EOHR found that the legal system had several laws that violated the
principle of the freedom to access information, including:

Law No. 121 of 1975, as amended by Law No. 22 of 1983 and presidential
decision No. 472 of 1979 on the preservation of official documents of the
State and their publication, Law No. 356 of 1954 and Law No. 35 of 1960 on
Statistics and the Census, the Civil Servants Law No. 47 of 1978, and the
General Intelligence Law No. 100 of 1971. Abu Seada pointed out that
journalists and media workers faced obstacles in accessing information.

The secretary general confirmed the importance of establishing an Egyptian
coalition for freedom of information, which would undertake the following:

1- Reviewing and amending all laws and procedures that impede access to
information, to comply with international covenants on human rights
ratified by the Egyptian government, according to article 151 of the

2- Passing a bill guaranteeing free circulation of information that
reflects standards in democratic societies;

3- Revising the legislative framework governing freedom of opinion and
expression in general and freedom of the press in particular.

Abu Seada also called for action on a campaign promise by President Mubarak
to enact a freedom of information law.

At the end of the seminar, participants called on all civil society
organisations, journalists and all those concerned to join the coalition;
plans were made for a legal committee to be formed under the coalition to
ensure that the freedom of information bill is passed. The first meetings
of the coalition will be held soon to draft the document.


under section 17 of the RTI Act Pankaj should be suspended with immediate effect,” said a RTI activist Urvashi Sharma.

Ghost of mining lease still haunts UPSCIC

LUCKNOW | Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Pioneer News Service | Lucknow

The ghost of Mining department continues to haunt UP's Chief
Information Commissioner (UPSCIC), Ranvir Singh Pankaj, who has been
running for cover from RTI activists across the country.

A former Mmining secretary and a Dalit officer, Pankaj landed in soup
for the second time during his five-month tenure as UPSCIC, when the
Allahabad High Court slapped a penalty of Rs. 50,000 on him for
"misleading the court and extending favours to a leasee involved in
illegal mining."

Last week, the Court taking a strict view at his role as Mining
secretary when he had granted a lease, despite the ncumbent being
involved in illegal mining, directed him to submit Rs. 50,000 from his
salary as fine. The amount was to be submitted with the Registrar
General of High Court within four weeks for concealing facts, telling
lies and favouring the wrong man instead of acting against him. This
reserved judgement was passed by Judge Arun Tandon.

Referring to the High Court judgement, several RTI organisations
including Save RTI Campaign, All India RTI Awareness Forum, Rashtriya
Jagran Jansoochna Abhiyan Manch has petitioned the Governor BL Joshi
demanding the suspension of UPSCIC. Several outfits raising the same
issue took out processions in the districts.

RTI activists in a memorandums handed to the Governor also demanded
that a committee comprising High Court judges be set up and all orders
passed by Pankaj in his tenure be reviewed.

"It is highly objectionable that even after being fined by the High
Court, Pankaj continues to be in office as UPSCIC and is hearing
cases. Considering him guilty under section 17 of the RTI Act Pankaj
should be suspended with immediate effect," said a RTI activist
Urvashi Sharma.

Meanwhile, Ranvir Singh Pankaj told "The Pioneer" over phone that he
was out of the state capital and has not seen the copy of the High
Court judgement. According to sources close to Pankaj, the UPSCIC has
contacted the Law department of the UP government for filing an appeal
against the judgement.

Controversies have been plaguing Pankaj since his appointment as UPCIC
in June. The selection committee led Chief Minister which approved his
appointment, did not complete its quorum as the Leader of Opposition
boycotted the meeting. On these ground, a PIL pleading that his
appointment was illegal was also filed in the High Court.

Friday, 27 November 2009

error of ( Indian ) law or law of ( pcrf ) errors.

Was pcrf not ready to do it the way it should have been ? or was it
deliberate .
I Happened to visit the webpage on pcrf website .
This webpage has list containing names of " citizen finalists " which
are as given below –
• Ajay Dubey
• Ajay Singh Rawat
• Akhil Gogoi
• Amit Kumar
• Association for Democratic Reforms
• Bharatsinh R. Jhala
• Dev Ashish Bhattacharya
• Narmada Bachao Aandolan
• Prashant Kumar Dubey
• Prof Rajeev Kumar
• Raaj Mangal Prasad
• Rajesh Bissa
• Rajinder Nagar Welfare Association
• Ramesh Kumar Verma
• Ravindra Singh
• Shyamlal Yadav
• Subhash Chandra Agrawal
• Sunil Kumar Mahto
• Vinod Pandya
On citizen selection process , the website has the procedure as "We
received a total of 1130 nominations in the citizens' category.In the
first round, those cases were shortlisted who had used RTI for any
public purpose rather than for personal benefit such as ones' own
transfer, rations card, pension etc. The intent was to recognize those
who attempted to use RTI for the larger good of citizens as a whole as
opposed to personal needs. Then we met each of the jury members
individually to discuss the applicants. 19 such citizens have now made
it to the list of finalists who made substantial public impact through
the use of RTI."

As we all know that the settled law is as given below
( i ) The Citizenship Act and the Constitution are completely
exhaustive of the citizenship of this country and these citizens can
only be natural persons, the fact that corporations may be nationals
of the country for purposes of International laws will not make them
citizens of this country for purposes of Municipal Law or the
Constitution; State Trading Corporation of India v. Commercial Tax
Officer, AIR 1963 SC 1811: (1964) 45 SCR 99.

(ii) Nationality and Citizenship are not interchangeable terms; State
Trading Corporation of India v. Commercial Tax Officer, AIR 1963 SC
1811: (1964) 4 SCR 99.

(iii) "Citizenship" has nothing to do with a juristic person. "Person"
means a natural person and not any legal entity; State Trading
Corporation of India v. Commercial Tax Officer, AIR 1963 SC 1811:
(1964) 4 SCR 99.

Going by these definitions ,
• 1- Association for Democratic Reforms
• 2-Narmada Bachao Aandolan &
• 3-Rajinder Nagar Welfare Association

Are not the citizens of India though these may be juristic person
.These three organizations cannot be said to be citizens of India and
putting them in the citizen's category is neither legal nor justified.
I don't understand if this is error of ( Indian ) law or law of ( pcrf
) errors.

I demand exclusion of these three from the citizen's category at once
to have competitions among the citizens only.

If pcrf wish , it should go for a separate category of awards for such
organizations which are working for the noble cause rti.

But please don't do anything that is illegal n may lead to more
controversies for the awards in the days to come.

strengthen rti , save the country





governor house assures action against SCIC pankaj within 15 days

Supported by national alliance of people's movements ( NAPM ), members
of civil societies under the leadership of urvashi sharma met the
principal secterary to the governor of uttar pradesh on 27-11-2009 at
5 pm to press their point of taking action u/s 17(3)(b) of rti act
2005 against SCIC ranjit singh pankaj by removing him from the chair
of SCIC.

please find attached a copy of the memorandum given to governor of
uttar pradesh.

the copy of memorandum can be accessed at given link also -

please support our movement
1- against corruption
2- for implementation of rti act in letter n spirit .


urvashi sharma



Fwd: personal appointment with the governor of uttar pradesh to discuss the matter of removal of state chief information commissioner

res. all

please refer to the forwarded mail sent to the governor of u p to
handover him a memorandum for removal of state chief information
commissioner under section 17 ( 3 ) ( b ) of rti act 2005 and discuss
the matter at length .

today governor-house secretariate telephonically confirmed me to meet
the principal secretary to governor on 27-11-09 at 5 pm .


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: urvashi sharma <>
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2009 21:15:23 +0530
Subject: personal appointment with the governor of uttar pradesh to
discuss the matter of removal of state chief information commissioner
To: hgovup <>, governup <>

Respected sir ,

please refer my mail dated 18-11-09 . further to this mail i wish to
avail a personal appointment with sri B.L.Joshi , the governor of
uttar pradesh to handover a memorandum for removal of state chief
information commissioner under section 17 ( 3 ) ( b ) of rti act 2005
and discuss the matter at length with your goodself.

please fix a date and time as per your own convinience and inform me

best regards

date : 23 november , 2009

urvashi sharma
social worker
( representative of a no. of civil societies of india)
f - 2108 , rajajipuram , lucknow , uttar pradesh
contact no. - 9235169855

Thursday, 26 November 2009

"info-commissioners should weigh themselves on the balance of transparency. dainik pratidin 23 november 2009 article on selection of info-commissioners

res. all

dainik pratidin 23 november 2009 article on selection of
info-commissioners says that the info-commissioners should weigh
themselves on the balance of transparency.

read the full article on given link ---

for those who could not get the lucknow seminar pics , the links to
lucknow seminar pics are -

due to paucity of time , i am unable to send the details of
proceedings.i shall send these before 2nd december 2009 . from 2nd
night to 9th i shall be in a remote area where i shall have no access
of computers.



Wednesday, 25 November 2009

if the selection & appointment of ccic is not a public activity conducted in the overriding public interest/???????????????????????????????

if yes .

it needs be transparent .

pls read on


CIC asks apex court for information on judges' elevation
November 25th, 2009 - 8:55 pm ICT by IANS

Central Information Commission (CIC) has asked the Supreme Court to
reveal information about the elevation of three high court chief
justices to the apex court superseding the seniority of three others.
The action came on a Right to Information (RTI) application of
activist Subhash Chandra Agrawal, who sought to know how were Justice
H.L. Dattu, Justice A.K. Ganguly and Justice R.M. Lodha elevated and
appointed to the Supreme Court, superseding Justice A.P. Shah, Justice
A.K. Patnaik and Justice V.K. Gupta.

Supreme Court judges are selected by a collegium of the five senior
most judges of the apex court headed by the Chief Justice of India.

However, the court refused to entertain Agrawal's plea, saying that
the information sought is "neither maintained nor available" with it.

The applicant approached the first appellate authority, which also
denied him the information. Agrawal then approached the CIC.

Stating that the "appointment of justices is decidedly a public
activity conducted in the overriding public interest", Chief
Information Commissioner Wajahat Habibullah in his Nov 24 order said:
"The information sought by appellant will now be provided to him
within 15 working days".



rti news from maldives " all information must be provided within 30 days, which the Maldives Journalism Association (MJA) has argued should be shortened to 21 days.

Government submits right to information bill

25 November 2009 Ahmed NaishA right to information bill was submitted
to parliament this week to ensure the government conducts its
activities in a transparent and accountable manner, according to the
president's office.

Deputy Attorney General Abdulla Muizza told Minivan News today the
bill was "very similar" to the current right to information
regulations, noting the right was enshrined in the constitution.

Article 29 of the constitution stipulates that everyone has the
freedom to acquire and impart knowledge, information and learning.

While the right to information regulations exist, Muizzu said an Act
would be "more effective" and have "more weight", adding that
regulations have to be reviewed every year.

"Regulations can also be changed at any time by a three-member panel
in parliament but an Act requires all of parliament to be changed," he

Ali Shamaan, the editor of Hafta weekly, said the bill will compel
government offices to provide information.

"Legal action can be taken against those who refuse, whereas under the
regulations, there was no legal recourse," he said.

The right to information regulations were adopted by presidential
decree last year after a bill on the issue was rejected by parliament
in 2007.

Shamaan said the 2007 bill had "serious flaws" as it was proposed by a
"30-year-old dictatorship" that did not have any intention of
providing information.

"But in the last few years of the Maumoon government, a circular was
sent to all government offices asking them to provide information to
media," he said.

He added that the incumbent government had told offices to make
information available and was confidence MPs would vote for the bill.

The right to information regulations came into effect in May but have
been severely criticised by journalists, who have argued they hamper
rather than ease access to information.

Under the regulations, all information must be provided within 30
days, which the Maldives Journalism Association (MJA) has argued
should be shortened to 21 days.

The MJA further criticised provisions in the regulations which allow
government institutions to extend the period from 30 to 60 days on a
number of grounds such as if the information is not considered ready
for publication.

The regulations have also been criticised for their numerous
exceptions. Information can be withheld if, for example, it relates
"to a third party, is a trade secret or goes against a prior

In a UNESCO sponsored report published last month, Toby Mendel, senior
legal counsel at Article 19, an international organisation that
advocates for freedom of expression, said the regulations did not,
appear to be implemented in practice or used by either citizens or
civil society as a means of accessing information.



lucknow rti seminar pics

shekherji n wazahatji sharing rti gyan at lucknow seminar pics
rti helpline no. - 09235169855

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Fwd:lucknow seminar pix

Dear all ,

Please find attached recently concluded convention photographs.
shekhar singh ji n wazahat habibullah ji attended the seminar.


rti helpline no. - 09235169855

if this josh is the result of pcrf data on penalty imposition by info-commissioners ?

it may be . but its good 4 rti


Government official to pay for refusing information under RTI
November 24th, 2009 - 4:17 pm ICT by IANS

Mayank Aggarwal
New Delhi, Nov 24 (IANS) Refusing information to an octogenarian under
the Right To Information Act has cost a Delhi government official

He will have Rs.4,500 deducted from his salary every month for the
next five months as penalty for violating the RTI act provisions. The
salary cut was imposed on the official by the Central Information
Commission (CIC).

The applicant, Radhey Shyam Aggarwal, 80, had approached the
Department of Trade and Taxes of the Delhi government in June asking
for the copy of an affidavit, which someone had allegedly falsely
given in his name to get a Value Added Tax number.

However, the then Public Information Officer (PIO) Arun Kumar Mishra
of the department refused to give him the affidavit copy, stating that
the information sought was "prohibited" under the Delhi Value Added
Tax (DVAT) Act.

Aggarwal then approached the First Appellate Authority (FAA) of the
trade and taxes department but was again refused the information.

"I have gone through the reply given by the PIO, and do not find any
infirmity in the same. It is true that the PIO is prohibited under
Section 98 of the DVAT Act to divulge the information to a third
party," the FAA ruled.

Upset with the order, the appellant then filed an appeal with the CIC.

Information Commissioner Shailesh Gandhi noted in his order: "…PIO and
FAA have both failed to discharge their duties under the RTI Act. The
PIO without any application of mind has refused to give the

"The PIO refused to give him the information purportedly. The FAA, in
what appears to be collusion to deny and harass the citizen, suddenly
claimed that the department gets the information in a fiduciary
relationship," Gandhi observed.

The PIO finally gave Agarwal the information after 90 days.

The CIC in October issued a show cause notice to Arun Kumar Mishra,
for not supplying the complete required information within 30 days as
mandated under the RTI act.

It asked Mishra to submit his written submissions on "why penalty
should not be imposed on him".

In his written submission, Mishra claimed that he had not realised
that the applicant was asking for information about an affidavit
supposed to have been filed by him (the applicant himself).

The CIC ruled that this was a fit case for penalising the official for
refusing to give the information without any valid grounds.

"Since the delay in providing the information has been 90 days, the
commission is passing an order penalizing Arun Kumar Mishra Rs.22,500
(Rs.250 per day)," the order noted.

The commission has directed the Delhi's chief secretary to recover the
amount from Mishra's salary in five months starting from December by
deducting Rs.4,500 every month.

"It is impossible to believe that the PIO who is a senior officer and
can read and write English did not realize that he was withholding the
affidavit of Radhey Shyam Aggarwal from himself," the commission

Ajay Aggarwal, the son of Radhey Shyam Aggarwal, told IANS: "Three
years ago, one of our distant relatives Arun Kumar Gupta had applied
for a VAT number by filing a false affidavit. He had formed a company
named Aggarwal Traders for unknown malafide intentions. When we came
to know about it from our sources we complained to the department and
it cancelled the VAT number."

"We then filed a RTI with the department in order to get a copy of the
false affidavit," Ajay said.

- Indo-Asian News Service



rti news from zambia - a survey to decide the most secretive n transparent

Electoral Commission gets transparency award
By Margaret Mtonga
Tue 24 Nov. 2009, 04:00 CAT

THE Ministry of Health (MoH) is the most secretive public institution
in terms of giving out information, a survey report of the Media
Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) Zambia has revealed.

The report also revealed that the Electoral Commission of Zambia
(ECZ), which was presented the Golden Key Award, as the most
transparent organisation out of the five public institutions surveyed
while the Ministry of Health received the Golden Padlock Award.

"We carried out a survey in five public institutions. The Zambia
Revenue Authority, Zambia Public Procurement Authority, Citizens
Economic Empowerment Commission, Ministry of Health and the Electoral
Commission of Zambia," said MISA Zambia vice-chairperson Felistus
Chipako during the launch of the report.

Chipako said the right to information was not merely a call for the
government records, but a call for transparency and accountability in
the government process.

"Zambia has no access to information law and as such citizens cannot
easily access information in the hands of government and public
institutions. In this research, MISA sought to establish which public
institutions in Zambia had the most or least efficiently organised
provision of public information,"Chipako said.

She said the right to information must be guaranteed by law and in
accordance with international principles and best practicex.

"An access to information law guarantees every citizen the right to
access information and the duty on the part of government to make
information available," she said.

Chipako said the research revealed non-transparent and overly
secretive public institutions in Zambia, making it almost impossible
for citizens to exercise their rights to information.

"Zambia urgently requires an access to information law not only to
counter a culture of secrecy but to put an obligation on government to
provide information in accordance with the law, "she said. "The two
institutions have since been given the Golden Padlock and Golden Key
Awards respectively."

Chipako said MISA hoped that the report would quicken the legislation
process on access to information that had failed to take off since

"MISA hopes too that this report will encourage public discourse,
after all access to information is a fundamental right for citizens
and not just the media," said Chipako.



Monday, 23 November 2009

Right to information act used to oust the corrupt guardian of rti act ( the SCIC ) from office

Right to information act used to Grill the governor of uttar Pradesh
for his biased behavior->

Friends , as u all know that the SCIC of U. P. has been convicted &
fine imposed on him by hon. High court. I have already sent letters to
the guv directly and thru the chief secretary and the principal
secretary of the administrative reforms department ( the nodal deptt.
For rti in u. p. ) I have sent copies of this letter to the president
of India , the chief justice of India , the prime minister of India
and the the chief minister of uttar Pradesh.

Not only this , on 23 nov 2009 I have written to the guv of uttar
Pradesh for a personal appointment to discuss the matter of removal of
state chief information commissioner and handover a memorandum ,
signed by hundreds of intellects of Lucknow to him.

The governor's attitude in this matter is completely biased and
against the law so to grill the governor I have filed an RTI with the
uttar Pradesh governor's secretariat to know as to why m. a. khan was
suspended and why Ranjit singh Pankaj is not being suspended and so on
. The web link of my rti application sent with postal order no. 57E
732076 vide speed post no. SPEU928859350IN dated 20-11-2009 is given

other relevant information can be accessed at the given link

wish me goodluck in my effort of restoration of ehhics , law ,
morality , honesty ...................... in the society

thanks n regards.

urvashi sharma

Not approached yet, but ready to be CIC: Kiran Bedi

Not approached yet, but ready to be CIC: Kiran Bedi
IANS 23 November 2009, 07:52pm IST

PATIALA (Punjab): Former top cop and Ramon Magsaysay award winner
Kiran Bedi, whose name has been proposed by civil society members for
the job of

Chief Information Commissioner (CIC), said she is ready to accept any
position where she can work for upliftment of society.

"I have no problem in accepting any post of a governor or of CIC but I
want to make one thing very clear that I am not a political person. I
do not know how to do politics; I just want to serve my country and
its people," Bedi told reporters here Monday, in answer to a question.

"So far, nobody has approached me (for CIC) and I have only read about
these in newspapers. However, if I get an offer of CIC, then I would
work for only one rupee. I do not need position or money, and all my
salary would go to NGOs," said Bedi, India's first Indian Police
Service officer.

Bollywood actor Aamir Khan and social activist Anna Hazare are among
several people who have urged Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to appoint
Bedi as the head of the country's top transparency body, the Central
Information Commission.

The post has been vacant since senior bureaucrat Wajahat Habibullah
resigned last month to take up his new assignment as Right to
Information watchdog in Jammu and Kashmir.

She added, "The condition of health and education sectors is 'erratic'
in our country. Our government needs to make more investments in these
two very important areas. We should also question the government on
why they are not using public money to raise the standards."

Bedi was the chief guest Monday at the annual convocation of Thapar
University here, around 65 km from state capital Chandigarh.

"I retired in 2007 and since then I have been very busy in various
things that have connected me with the common person. I am doing TV
shows, writing columns, working for my NGOs Navjyoti and India Vision
Foundation, travelling to places for the screening of my documentary
film 'Yes Madam Sir'," said Bedi.

Award-winning film "Yes Madam Sir", based on Kiran Bedi's life, has
been produced by Australian filmmaker Megan Doneman.

Bedi was the first woman to join the Indian Police Service (IPS) in 1972.

"I am running two NGOs for the last 21 years which reach out to over
10,000 beneficiaries daily, in the areas of schooling and proper
upbringing of children of prisoners and in drug abuse treatment," she
pointed out.

Minister of state for external affairs Preneet Kaur was honoured with
a degree of Doctor of Science (honoris causa) at the convocation. Kaur
is the MP from here and the wife of former Punjab chief minister
Amarinder Singh.





‘RTI played major role in forming Cong govts in Delhi’

'RTI played major role in forming Cong govts in Delhi'

Express News Service
Tags : rti, congress

Posted: Monday , Nov 23, 2009 at 0617 hrs
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Effective implementation of the Right to Information (RTI) Act has
played an important role in helping the Congress, led by Sheila
Dikshit, to form government for three consecutive terms in New Delhi,
feels Wajahat Habibullah, Chief Central Information Commissioner.

In fact, it had also helped late Y S R Reddy to regain power in Andhra
Pradesh, Habibullah claimed, stressing that RTI doesn't only empower
common people but governments too. He was addressing around 200 RTI
activists from Uttar Pradesh during a two-day workshop-cum-seminar on
People's Right to Information on Sunday.

"While through RTI, as aam admi gets to know what elected
representatives are doing for their welfare during their five-year
term, MPs and MLAs can also come clean and win over voters by ensuring
transparency," said Habibullah, who is waiting to be relieved of his
responsibilities in New Delhi and head the J&K information panel.

Urging governments to ensure implementation of Section 4(1)B of the
RTI Act (make transparent the functioning of government
organisations), Habibullah said the House will itself get into order
once the process of putting data on the website of every department

Prominent RTI activist Shekhar Singh, whose name is also in
consideration for the post of CIC, spoke about safeguarding RTI and
described how the law was drafted to catch corrupt officials in
government departments.

Founder member of the National Campaign for People's Right to
Information (NCPRI), Singh also presented the findings of a recent
nationwide survey conducted by his group.

The survey tested the knowledge over 35,000 citizens across 10 states
regarding RTI. Unfortunately, Uttar Pradesh did not figure in the
survey as the State Information Commission could not supply them with
the required records.

The experts also expressed dismay over the proposed amendments to the
RTI Act that include the introduction of an exemption for so-called
"vexatious and frivolous" applications. A silent march to the Vidhan
Sabha demanding that the government does not bring about any
amendments into the Act, concluded the two-day workshop.

Prez urged to shed light on guv's tenure

Prez urged to shed light on guv's tenure
TNN 23 November 2009, 04:30am IST

CHANDIGARH: Perturbed at the speculation over the tenure of UT
administrator and adviser, a city-based social activist has petitioned
the President

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of India to clarify the issue. He has attached copies of the joining
orders of the two UT officials, procured through RTI.

'The order for appointment of administrator indicates that his
appointment will be treated from the date he assumes charge. Both the
orders do not indicate tenure or period of appointment and also these
do not point out if official will continue in office till further
orders, at pleasure of President or till new appointments are issued,'
claimed RK Garg.

'A reference is invited to letter dated November 8, 2004, issued by
joint secretary to the President of India, forwarding two orders both
dated November 8, 2004, issued by your office for appointment of
administrator of UT and UT adviser,' mentioned the letter.

'Similarly, a reference is also invited to letter dated September 20,
2007, from ministry of home affairs issued for placing the services of
Pardip Mehra at the disposal of Chandigarh administration. Here also
the tenure of appointment/deputation is not mentioned,' it added.

Under the circumstances, the appointments of administrator and adviser
have created confusion as there were voices that their tenures have
ended and they should abstain from executive powers vested in them, he

Article 156 of the Constitution, however, specifies that a Governor
would hold office during the pleasure of the President for a period of
five years. He would continue in office till his successor assumes




---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2009 08:01:04 +0530
To: Promod Chawla <>, urvashi sharma
<>, urvashi sharma
<>, Anurag Yadav
<>, lucknow media toi atul chandra

*LUCKNOW 22nd Nov 2009*: PROJECT VIJAY "Victory of India by Joint Action of
Youth" a revolutionary youth cantered organisation who has materialised the
dream of corruption free INDIA, appreciated the step adopted by some
respected judges of hon'able judiciary and some senior bureaucrats to
declare their fixed and movable assets self willingly in front of populace.
It showed that they understand their moral responsibility towards nation as
well as citizen of India. The youth from various colleges and institutions
came in today's campaign of PROJECT VIJAY and they all appeal together that
the rest of bureaucrats, political parties, non-government organisation, non
social organisations which are running by the money of the common people of
the nation. They should come forward and must understand their moral
responsibility towards the nation and declare their fixed & movable assets
publically. Because all the payment and other expense they get, it is all
due to the taxes which is given by the every citizen of our nation. Only by
this step the accountability will come in the governance which will
definitely aid to decline the corruption rate of the nation.

Instead, Project Vijay, decided to dig out the real facts utilizing the
power of RTIs. In this regard, Project Vijay's youth RTI Activist filed an
RTI directed to the Central Public Information Officer, Prime Minister's
Office. The RTI was subsequently transferred to the Foreign Tax and Tax
Research Division I. The reply to 2 questions pertaining to the release of
accounts of Indians in the Swiss Bank to the Government of India was that no
such information existed with the division, and third about correspondence
between the Indian Government and the Swiss Bank was said to be exempted
from the RTI Act. In lieu of further explanations, we wonder if any
information does exist with the government, or if the RTI was even forwarded
to the right department, considering that the matter had been thus far
handled mostly by the Ministry of External Affairs. A second RTI has thus
been filed directly to the Ministry of External Affairs pending answers
(documents enclosed).

All the youth who came in this campaign along with PROJECT VIJAY thinks
that, if a law or act does exist right from the time of independence that
every bureaucrats and political parties are compel to declare their all
assets at every year publically. Then the money of our country which is
today in foreign banks remain in our nation and our nation doesn't suppress
by any kind of foreign debt. Our nation doesn't have lacunas like as
illiteracy, poverty & slums. Definitely in our nation its demigod i.e.
farmers living a prosperous life and not a single shameful incident like
their suicide due to poverty and huge debt never ever occur.

So to speak having a dream of developed and prosperous nation, the youth
from University, various colleges, institution's & slum youth came forward
and took an active participation in this youth movement against corruption.

For the video of the movement you may click on the following link:

The youth were present at the campaign Himanshu, Er. Mahendra, Mrs Urvashi,
Er. Pawan (Spokesperson), Yogesh, Sudhakar, Dr. Siddharth, Abhishek,
Sharda, Preeti, Neha, Saleem, Rahul and many more.

For more updates of Project Vijay-

who is killing rti in uttar pradesh ? the government , pio-aa combine , the sic , the info-seeker or the rti activists ?

Non-availaibilty of information in government offices killing RTI
Lucknow | Sunday, Nov 22 2009 IST

Chief Information Commissioner Wajahat Habibullah has said the
government should make available all its informations to the citizens
without asking to save the Right To Information Act.

Speaking as the chief guest in the fifth national seminar and workshop
of Action Group for Right To Information (AGRI), Mr Habibullah said
here today it was proposed in the RTI Act that the government would
disclose all its informations on websites and noticeboards after 120
days of the enactment of the act but did not do so.

''Chief Information Commission used to dispose 200 application and
this number has been increased to 2000 applications per month but we
are still lacking in disposing of 100 to 200 applications per month.
Implementation of Article 4 of the Act is the only way to eliminate
this problem,'' Mr Habibullah said.

According to Article 4 of the RTI, the government had to disclose all
its information on its websites and notice boards to make them it to
the public without filing RTI applications but government has not done
it so far.

Mr Habibullah said satisfactory implementation of the RTI helped the
Shiela Dixit government to make a hatrick in Delhi. ''Just after the
Mumbai attack of 26/11, people who were angry with the government
voted the Shiela Dixt government for the third time because Delhi has
done satisfactory job in implantation of the RTI,'' claimed Mr

He accepted that the government has not made adequate efforts to aware
public about this act.

''Except Doordarshan and All India Radio, the government did not
attempt to aware people like consumer rights campaign,'' he said.

He said that people of Jammu and Kashmir should also get the rights to
question the government.

''They are also hounorable citizens of country and should have the
rights to ask questions to the government,'' he added.

RTI was not into force in J and K and is being introduced there soon.
Mr Habibullah is to take the charge of Information Commissioner there.

In the workshop, RTI activist Shekhar Singh, said, quoting a survey,
that the Public Information Officers (PIO) of Uttar Pradesh misbehaved
with the applicants.

-- (UNI) -- 22DR36.xml

urvashi sharma

corruption is cursed from dias , worshipped in offices n drawing rooms . double faces , double standards

Elite behaviour is challenge to supremacy of law: Ansari

November 22nd, 2009
NEW DELHI - The supremacy of law faces a challenge of elite behaviour
as media reports tell how elite are able to subvert law with money or
influence, Vice President Hamid Ansari said Sunday.

"The challenge to the supremacy of rule of law is elite behaviour.
National and international media is full of reports of how the elite
are able to subvert the rule of law with money or influence. A large
swathe of society and polity even accept this situation as a way of
life," a concerned Ansari said.

He was delivering valedictory address at the International Conference
of Jurists - 2009 here.

"While the normative elements of legal and political systems seek to
establish the rule of law, the reality of systemic discrimination and
exclusion based on community, gender, class and other limiting and
distorting considerations is compelling," he added.

Ansari called corruption an ailment that is pervasive, cancerous and

"In moral terms, it (corruption) corrodes the social and political
fabric of society and increases injustice; in its legal implications,
it results in disregard for the rule of law; in its developmental
aspect, it tends to distort the decision-making processes and is
wasteful of resources," he noted in his speech.

Corruption, he said, "shakes the legitimacy of the state, erodes
sovereignty of the state and its capacity to exercise sovereign
functions including ensuring law and order for the citizens."

He said corruption was a "significant threat to national security".

