Thursday, 13 January 2011

RTI user Little Aishwarya Sharma of Lucknow is one of the winners of IBN CJ awards 2010



IBN Lokmat


CNBC Awaaz

Edition 3- Winners


CJ Majloom

Majloom's house was destroyed by floodwaters. A rickshaw puller from
Bihar, he turned Citizen Journalist to battle corrupt officials. The
government announced a relief scheme offering financial help to
rebuild homes, to those living below the poverty line. Majloom applied
under this scheme but instead of giving him his due, officials
demanded bribes. He filed an RTI to get his allotted house without
bribing corrupt officials and succeeded. He now lives in his new

CJ Shiv Prakash Rai

Shiv Prakash Rai from Buxar is a farmer by profession. He turned
Citizen Journalist to expose the misappropriation of funds meant for
welfare schemes for poor farmers. He used the RTI to fight for his
right. Shiv Prakash was threatened, even put behind bars under false
charges. But he remained undeterred and his efforts led to an impact.
Officials found responsible for the misappropriations were penalised.

Save Your City

CJ Mahendra Agarwal

Mahendra Agarwal's battle began with a personal loss. He lost his
daughter to jaundice and suffers from ulcerative colitis caused by
polluted water. For the past 20 years his mission has been to get the
government to control the pollution of groundwater in Sonebhadra, UP.
From filing RTIs to getting the groundwater tested, Mahendra has done
whatever it takes. Thanks to his efforts the government has finally
identified polluted water sources. Warning signs have been placed and
the UP pollution control Board has taken action against several
polluting factories. Most importantly, the area has been declared
Critically Polluted and there is a ban on expansion or setting up of
any new factories in the area till January 2011.

CJ SK Maheshwari

Keeping the Commonwealth Games in mind the PWD made a busy road near
Anand Vihar ISBT signal free. SK Maheshwari became a Citizen
Journalist to voice the plight of lakhs of pedestrians who put their
lives at stake, just to cross this busy road every day. Not a single
foot over bridge exists on this 5 and a half-kilometer stretch, where
heavy traffic zips past at high speeds at all times. SK Maheshwari
filed RTIs and found out that in the past 7 months there were at least
seven accidents in a stretch of just 5 meters on this road. While 9
foot over bridges had been sanctioned 2 years ago none had been built.
Even after repeated requests for interview with the PWD minister, the
minister refused to come on air, however as an impact of the CJ's
efforts, immediate work on the foot over bridges has begun.

CJ SN Singh

School Headmaster SN Singh brought to light the problems caused by
illegal mining in Jamuria. The regular blasting of coalmines not only
disrupted classes in his school but also damaged the school building.
Overloaded bullock carts carting the coal from the mines take the same
route that the students use to get to school. This has led to some
fatal accidents too. S.N.Singh chose to go beyond his call of duty. He
wrote many letters to officials, telling them about the problem, but
didn't get any results. He finally became a CITIZEN JOURNALIST and
raised his voice against the powerful and dangerous coal mafia. After
his story was aired, the West Bengal administration was quick to act.
They arrested members of the illegal coalmine mafia and the Central
Industrial Security force was compelled to seal the illegal mines.

Be The Change

CJ Anita Bhargava

Anita Bhargava is the motivating force behind "Let's Do it Delhi!"
When Anita returned to India after a long stint in the US, she'd
cringe at the dirt, feeling helpless about it. But that didn't last
long. Anita decided to Be the Change. "Lets Do It Estonia" inspired
her. Citizens of Estonia took upon themselves to "clean-up" their
country. She initiated this idea among friends and within weeks a
group of nearly 200 professional friends was ready to do the same. The
group has cleaned up the Bhikaji Cama Place, Delhi's Rose Garden and
many more places. Anita has actually managed to get Delhiites to get
their hands dirty!

CJ Neena Chaudhary

Neena Chaudhary is the mother of 10-year-old blind girl. Shivangi
studies at Springdale's school and like other children her age, she
loves to read. Since books aren't available in Braille, Neena types
soft copies of all the books and shares them with the NAB, so that
they can print the Braille versions. Many publishers like Cambridge
refuse to share the softcopy of their resource books like
dictionaries. She met the MoS, HRD with her appeal to ensure that the
copyright act be amended so that publishers have to share softcopies
of their publications to be converted into Braille books.

CJ Vijay Laxmi Kaushik

Citizen Journalist Vijay Laxmi Kaushik lives in Palwal and travels
daily to work in Delhi. Local trains are her lifelines. She has been
fighting for 13 years to make sure that she and other women like her
can travel safely and comfortably to work. Eve teasing, chain
snatching and quarrelling over seats in crowded compartments used to
be a routine affair. What's worse is that complaints to the railway
protection force would fall on deaf ears. Vijay Laxmi Kaushik decided
to do something about these problems. She approached the authorities
demanding reserved bogies for women. The railway authorities relented.
But Vijay Laxmi Kaushik found even that wasn't enough. So she went
back to them, asking for a Ladies special. Once again the authorities
couldn't say no. In 2008 a ladies special local was started. Vijay
Laxmi Kaushik then battled to get toilets on local trains that covered
distances taking over two hours. Thanks to the efforts of Vijay Laxmi
Kaushik thousands of women now feel safe and comfortable on their
daily commute to work.

Fight for her Right

CJ 14 Girls

14 courageous girls belonging to an economically deprived section of
society, dared to speak out against the sexual harassment they had to
undergo in Muradnagar village of UP. These girls filed a complaint
against their Math teacher who used to sexually harass and molest
them. Finally with the help of another teacher, they filed an FIR. The
Math teacher was arrested. And they didn't stop there. They turned
Citizen Journalist to tell other girls to speak out against
molestation and sexual harassment.

CJ Aishwarya Sharma

CJ Aishwarya Sharma, a class III student in Lucknow filed an RTI for
the removal of a garbage disposal site in front of her school. The
letter was forwarded to the local Municipal Corporation. As a result,
the dumping of garbage ceased. But Aishwariya didn't stop there. The
sight of a dumping ground right across the main gate of her school was
distressing for her each time she passed by. She wrote to the CM
asking for something to be done. Thanks to Aishwarya's efforts a
public library, with more than 100 books, came up in place of the
garbage dump.

CJ Kiran Kumari

CJ Kiran's mission for the past 6 years has been to save trees and
make the planet green. 20-year-old Kiran, lives in the Champaran
district of Bihar. This area is known for its Sheesham trees. But 6
years back, pests infected the jungle and the trees started dying. The
forest turned into barren land. Kiran decided to find out why the
trees were dying. Once she found the malaise, she looked for the
remedy. Kiran made a concoction with neem oil. She tried it on some
trees and found that it worked. She then went village to village
distributing it. Kiran's efforts have transformed 600 acres of dry
forest into a lush green belt.

CJ Mitu Khurana

Citizen Journalist, Dr. Mitu Khurana, is a Delhi based pediatrician.
She is the first woman to have filed a case under the PC-PNDT act
against her husband and in laws. She also filed a case against a Delhi
based hospital and the doctor who did an ultra sound on her to
determine the sex of her twins fetuses. Mitu's in-laws who wanted her
to undergo an abortion tortured, her. She endured the abuse and
harassment. She gave premature birth to twin girls. Her ordeal didn't
end there. Mitu's attempts over 3 years to get her husband to accept
the girls failed. Instead, she was thrown out of the house, so that
her husband could marry again. Mitu is now trying to fight the case
under the PCPNDT Act that clearly states that hospital and doctors
should neither conduct sex determination tests nor disclose the sex of
the fetuses. She turned CJ to create awareness about the Pre
conception and Pre Natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex
selection¬) Act that bans sex determination tests in India.

CJ Video

CJ Prakash M Nadar

Prakash M Nadar is a specially abled person. He faced many problems
while travelling in the trains. He shot a video of passengers refusing
to vacate seats reserved for the specially abled.

CJ Photo

CJ Ritu Mehra

CJ Ritu Mehra shares the picture of students of a government school,
asking residents and passersby to give them water. The school has no
drinking water, literally leaving the students and teachers high and

CJ L.V Srinivasan

CJ L.V Srinivasan shares pictures of the inconvenience caused due to
the Bharat Bandh called by the opposition in July this year. The Bandh
was called to protest rising prices. He titles the pictures 'Bandh for
whom? A pregnant daily wage earner and cobbler got no business due to
this Bandh in turn no meals for their families.

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Urvashi Sharma

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