Tuesday, 19 April 2011

UPSIC : a fool’s paradise to info seekers

UPSIC : a fool's paradise to info seekers

Either UPSIC PIO is pretending that black is white or Ignorance is a
bliss to him . This is what a letter of the UPSIC PIO establishes.

I made a request for info on five points to the PIO of UPSIC , asking
him about digitalization of UPSIC records under centrally sponsored

Sri Mata Prasad , PIO of UPSIC has sent letter no. 8461/ra.su.aa./10
dated 25-03-2011. the letter is available at given link –


The reply of PIO states that my letter dated 28-02-11 ( sent vide
speed post no. EU876123987IN dated 28-02-11 ) reached the PIO by
11-03-11 ( 11 odd days ) , suggesting that even the RTIs by speed
posts move at snail's speed in UPSIC .

The referred letter of PIO further states that the estimated
expenditure of the required info is Rs. 600/- . The letter further
states that if real expenditure shall be more than Rs. 600/- , it
shall be demanded and if real expenditure shall be less than Rs. 600/-
, excess money shall be refunded to me . This is gross violation of
section 7(3)(a) of the RTI act which states "Where a decision is taken
to provide the information on payment of any further fee representing
the cost of providing the information, the Central Public Information
Officer or State Public Information Officer, as the case may be, shall
send an intimation to the person making the request, giving— the
details of further fees representing the cost of providing the
information as determined by him, together with the calculations made
to arrive at the amount in accordance with fee prescribed under
sub-section (1), requesting him to deposit that fees, and the period
intervening between the despatch of the said intimation and payment of
fees shall be excluded for the purpose of calculating the period of
thirty days referred to in that sub-section;"

As per the act , the PIO can ask for the COST of info only and not the
expenditure on info. Moreover no calculations made to arrive at the
amount of Rs. 600/- has been given.

The reply in layman's language , that too by PIO of UPSIC makes it
clear that Either UPSIC PIO is pretending that black is white or
Ignorance is a bliss to him . In both the cases UPSIC is a fool's
paradise to info seeker . after all even i am lost about the info i
asked for and trying my wits to teach a,b,c of rti act to UPSIC....

Urvashi Sharma

उर्वशी शर्मा
"सूचना का अधिकार " हेल्पलाइन: 8081898081

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