Monday, 25 July 2011

UPSIC invents yet another draconian procedure to harass info-seekers

UPSIC invents yet another draconian procedure to harass info-seekers

Do you want to deposit second appeals in the office of Uttar Pradesh
State Information Commission ? Beware ! You are sure to be entangled
in UPSIC's self-proclaimed draconian procedure that compels you to
first get your appeals marked by the Secretary of the information
commission , only then the clerk shall receive your application and
give you a receipt.

The receipt counter is open upto 2 P.M. only , the time when the
secretary of UPSIC can be seen seated with the PIOs ( read Public
Servants ) and so , barring few daring info-seekers/activists , all
are not able to reach the secretary and get their appeals marked .
Many of them are forced to grease the palms of the clerks at receipt
counter to get their appeals received .

Going by the letter & spirit of the RTI Act 2005 , this process
should be as easy as one can ever think of , but in reality the
process is being made as cumbersome as possible so that the
info-seekers are a demoralized lot as soon as they enter the UPSIC .

When enquired deeply , I came to know that there is no such written
order of any competent authority of UPSIC or the Government but only
verbal understanding of UPSIC officials to carryon the draconian
procedure to demoralize the info seeker in any possible way .

Urvashi Sharma
Secretary – YAISHWARYAJ Seva Sansthan
Helpline - 8081898081

उर्वशी शर्मा
"सूचना का अधिकार " हेल्पलाइन: 8081898081

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