Saturday, 29 May 2010

Gross Violation of RTI act in Uttar Pradesh , Mr. Navneet Sehgal ( I.A.S.) , Secretary to the Chief Minister of U. P. / the appellate authority of C.M. office returns the appeal of section 19 ( 1 ) in original to the info-seeker without any discharge

Sub.: Gross Violation of RTI act in Uttar Pradesh , Mr. Navneet Sehgal
( I.A.S.) , Secretary to the Chief Minister of U. P. / the appellate
authority of C.M. office returns the appeal of section 19 ( 1 ) in
original to the info-seeker without any discharge of information
Though RTI act shall turn 5 in a few months from now , In Uttar
Pradesh the Government Machinery is taking this act too casually to
understand .

In this regard I am reproducing below the thoughts of one of the
fellow-activists chamaraj bangi ji
"Babu log are not taking RTI lightly and casually. They have taken it
as an enemy. They curse RTI Act. They are seriously trying to subvert
it. They never give straight replies. They have perfected the craft of
circumventing it. They are busy devising subtle ways to avoid it at
the same time, without inviting any of the penal provisions of RTI
Act. They are now masters in discouraging activists and frustrating
all efforts to make them accountable and answerable. Political class
is blessing the bureaucracy and the babu-dom.

In this country if one gives up scruples and says good-bye to values,
every thing comes his way without any effort. Otherwise, we have to
fight for every small matter. But how long this struggle ? There
should be light at the end of the tunnel. But we are groping in the
dark tunnel without any sign of any end or glimmer of hope, leave
alone light. There are several countries who started development much
later than India. But sadly, today we are lagging. "

The frustration of bangi ji is frustration of every rti-user in the
country. certainly there r good people n bad people both . the day
there are
all bad people the system shall collapse so shall it if there r all
good people. The system is working until n unless there is a balance .
I think so just to console myself , keep myself cool so that I should
keep on working because if I think otherwise , disheartened I shall
put my head against the wall. Fortunately or unfortunately I am in
uttar pradesh where the PIO/AA/Info-commissioner nexus has made
getting the info an uphill task . Perhaps our babus have learnt the
act very well. They know that information empowers citizens , then Why
empower the citizen ? so they are playing all dirty games in there
effort to escape discharge of info to the citizens. They Know that
transparency and accountability shall contain Corruption , so why do
anything to kill their holy-cow , the corruption that is making money
for them like anything. India may be lagging but it is not because of
active bad powers but
because of inaction of the good ones .How many active rti-activists
are there ? The act's intentions are that each n every citizen of
India should be an rti-activist because unless n until they know their
rights , they can not exercise them . So RTI act is the mother of all
past n future acts. If this happens , we shall have the real "Swaraj"
in INDIA. Right now it is a distant dream we all r fighting for .

Now from dreamland to reality-ground of RTI in U. P. Here babus are
leaving no stone unturned to strangle the act and generally whatever
order is passed by the PIO is being dittoed by the AA and the
info-commissioners irrespective of info-seekers valid objections .
Please read on

In one Case Mr. Vijay Kumar Singh , Anusachiv /PIO of Home ( Police )
section – 15 of Uttar Pradesh Government who vide letter no. 04
rajyapal/6-pu.-15-2010 Lucknow dated 20 may 2010 , has directed the
info seeker to file appeal in the Central Information Commission
against the order of the Uttar Pradesh State Information Commission
though there is no such rule in rti act till date. The copy of the
letter is available at given link also.

In Another Case , Mr. Navneet Sehgal ( I.A.S.) , Secretary to the
Chief Minister of U. P. / the appellate authority of C.M. office has
returned the appeal of section 19 ( 1 ) in original to the
info-seeker vide letter no. R.T.I.- appeal - 56/34 - lo.shi.-
3-9-16(527)/2009 lucknow dated 20 may 2010 , though as per the act he
was required to dispose it as per provisions of the act .
The PIO's reply on info-seeker's letter of section 6 of rti act is
available at given link. A bare perusal makes it clear that the PIO
has not given any info . neither the name of the official responsible
for the lost letter is given nor the record of last 3 years' lost
letters are given.

The scanned copy of returned appeal is available at given link

The scanned copy of letter no. R.T.I.- appeal - 56/34 - lo.shi.-
3-9-16(527)/2009 lucknow dated 20 may 2010 is available at given link
. Thus returning the appeal without any discharge of information is
deliberate gross violation of RTI act by a senior I.A.S. . This
Situation is highly unwarrented.

I think these two examples are enough to express lackluster attitude
of Babus of Uttar Pradesh towards the RTI Act and its compliance .
When this is the case of Secretariats , one can easily understand the
state of affairs in other government offices of uttar pradesh .
But as a general saying " When the going gets tough , the tough gets going "

The struggle is on and shall continue. I thank the God almighty that I
am in Uttar Pradesh …………………..

rti helpline 8081898081
rti helpmail

Urvashi Sharma

Thursday, 27 May 2010

JAN SUCHNA KENDRA ( An Oasis in Desert ) - RTI Activists’ new venture to strengthen RTI Movement in Uttar Pradesh

JAN SUCHNA KENDRA ( An Oasis in Desert ) - RTI Activists' new venture
to strengthen RTI Movement in Uttar Pradesh

Though RTI act shall turn 5 in a few months from now , In Uttar
Pradesh the Government Machinery is taking this act too casually to

In one Case Mr. Vijay Kumar Singh , Anusachiv /PIO of Home ( Police )
section – 15 of Uttar Pradesh Government who vide letter no. 04
rajyapal/6-pu.-15-2010 Lucknow dated 20 may 2010 , has directed the
info seeker to file appeal in the Central Information Commission
against the order of the Uttar Pradesh State Information Commission .

In Another Case , Mr. Navneet Sehgal ( I.A.S.) , Secretary to the
Chief Minister of U. P. / the appellate authority of C.M. office has
returned the appeal of section 19 ( 1 ) in original to the
info-seeker vide letter no. R.T.I.- appeal - 56/34 - lo.shi.-
3-9-16(527)/2009 lucknow dated 20 may 2010.

I think these two examples are enough to express lackluster attitude
of Babus of Uttar Pradesh towards the RTI Act and its compliance .
When this is the case of Secretariats , one can easily understand the
state of affairs in other government offices of uttar pradesh .
But as a general saying " When the going gets tough , the tough gets
going " , So RTI activists have come together to establish a JAN
SUCHNA KENDRA , a R.T.I. Clinic as a one stop centre to help RTI users
The Jan Suchna Kendra shall be centrally located at Hazratganj in
Lucknow at a walking distance from the U.P.S.I.C. and shall be
inaugurated in the month of June 2010. It shall have a rti-library
apart from all other basic requirements of an office. Soon it shall
have its sub-centers first in all commissionaires and then in all
district headquarters. These centers shall be run by rti-volunteers on
self-finance basis. All are welcome to join our campaign against
corruption. For more information please send mail at or call 8081898081.

Urvashi Sharma

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Fwd: Corrupt mind now resort to violence against the RTI

time to think n act.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 26 May 2010 07:52:29 +0530
Subject: Corrupt mind now resort to violence against the RTI
To: projectvijay <>,
nationalnetworkforindia1 <>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 25 May 2010 22:40:41 +0530
Subject: Corrupt mind now resort to violence against the RTI
Cc: uppcc-up <>,,,,,,,,,,,,

Respected Police Authority,

This is to inform you that I am a social activist wand have been using
RTI Act for social welfare & elimination of corruption from higher
education, along with other areas of social justice and working for
nation integration as a responsible citizen of our pride nation &
secretary of PROJECT VIJAY . I had to reach railway station for
Varanasi by Train No. 0458 Train Name ANVR BSB SF SPL, PNR no.
230-6614506, which was scheduled to depart from Lucknow JN 02:00 AM
today (25th May 2010) to Varanasi, but i met with an accident last
night (Time 00:45 AM & Place- Lohia Fourway, near Ram Manohar Lohiya
Park Gomti Nagar Lucknow Uttar Pradesh). The accident which looked
intentionally planned, occurred
with a new white car with dark black window glasses (don't know the
brand name) which hit my bike deliberately due to which one of my legs
got fractured and I could not reach to Lucknow Railway Station.
Moreover, it returned at the same spot after a little while to inspect
the amount of damage done and speeded away.

Its my kind request to the authorities to be more vigilant so that
activists like me would not have to go through such incidents.

Hoping for a positive response.

Yours truly,

Mahendra Pratap Singh
S/o Shri. Radhey Shyam
Address: B.90 Alok Nagar, Police Station:Dibiyapur, Distt: Auraiya (UP)
Mobile: 09415509920

Jai Hind.....Jai Bharat....Jai Jagat


Urvashi Sharma

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Re: An article on RTI for your comment

respected all ,

the draft is okay n release it as soon as possible . moreover a
unified approach is the need of the hour to ensure selections as per
the letter n spirit of the rti act when mr. gyanendra sharma , mr.
V.K.Saxena , Mr. Sanjay yadav , Mr. Tripathi and mr. gupta retires. if
in their place perons like the other ics are apointed , UPSIC shall
become a dead body so far as info-seekers interests are concerned.

we are planning a jansunvai in july/august for which we want support
of all rti users n activists of U. P.

please forward ur cases / problems related to UPSIC to
or Urvashi Sharma F 2376 Rajajipuram Lucknow - 226017 , Uttar Pradesh

feel free to call anytime 8081898081

your inputs shall make this jansunvai a success.

best regards


On 5/16/10, Izhar Ansari <> wrote:
> Dear Sir,
> we are sending an article. we want your cmment on this article. After yours
> comment we modifiy and Edit the same. And then publish it with your comment.
> pl. reply & Oblige.
> Izhar Ahmad Ansari

Urvashi Sharma

Saturday, 15 May 2010

प्रमुख सचिव भी लेते हैं लाखों का मानदेय - धन ऐंठने वाले अफसरों का खुलासा सूचना के कानून के तहत मांगी गई जानकारी से

प्रमुख सचिव भी लेते हैं लाखों का मानदेय

प्रमुख सचिव आलोक रंजन को एक लाख 25 हजार
पूर्व कुलपति प्रेमव्रत को डेढ़ लाख
विशेष सचिव आरएन सिंह को 50 हजार

यूपीटीयू प्रवेश परीक्षा में पैसों की बंदरबांट का खुलासा

श्रीप्रकाश तिवारी

लखनऊ। उत्तर प्रदेश प्राविधिक विश्वविालय द्वारा संचालित कराई जाने वाली
राज्य प्रवेश परीक्षा से मिलने वाले करोड़ों रुपयों की लूट मची है।
अनुसचिव और विश्वविालय के कुलपति से लेकर प्रमुख सचिव तक परीक्षा आयोजित
कराने के नाम पर लाखों रुपए मानदेय व पारिश्रमिक बटोरने में जुटे हैं।
राज्य प्रवेश परीक्षा का आयोजन भले ही सफलता पूवर्क सम्पन्न न हो पा रहा
हो मगर प्रमुख सचिव स्तर तक के अफसर अपना मानदेय वसूलने में जरा सा भी
संकोच नहीं करते हैं। तकरीबन एक लाख रुपए प्रतिमाह वेतन पाने वाले प्रमुख
सचिव आलोक रंजन को पैसों की इतनी कमी हो गई कि उन्होंने भी बहती गंगा में
आखिरकार डुबकी लगा ही ली। प्रमुख सचिव साहब ने भी यूपीटीयू की परीक्षा
सफल कराने के लिए एक लाख 25 हजार रुपए ऐंठ लिए। यूपीटीयू की राज्य प्रवेश
परीक्षा कराने के नाम पर धन ऐंठने वाले अफसरों का खुलासा सूचना के कानून
के तहत मांगी गई जानकारी से हुआ है। विश्वविालय के कुलसचिव यूएस तोमर ने
सूचना आयोग को लिखित रूप से बताया है कि वर्ष 2008 में राज्य प्रवेश
परीक्षा सम्पन्न कराने के नाम पर विश्वविालय के कुलपति प्रो. प्रेमव्रत
को एक लाख 50 हजार रुपए मानदेय तथा 40 हजार रुपए पारिश्रमिक, प्रमुख सचिव
आलोक रंजन को एक लाख 25 हजार रुपए, विशेष सचिव आरएन सिंह को 50 हजार
रुपए, कुलसचिव यूएस तोमर को एक लाख 25 हजार रुपए मानदेय व 50 हजार रुपए
पारिश्रमिक, विवि के वित्त अधिकारी राजवर्धन को 50 हजार रुपए मानदेय व 25
हजार रुपए पारिश्रमिक, विवि के परीक्षा नियंत्रक प्रो. वीके सिंह को 50
हजार रुपए मानदेय व 30 हजार रुपए पारिश्रमिक, संयुक्त परीक्षा नियंत्रक
डॉ. जेपी पांडेय को 40 हजार रुपए मानदेय व 20 हजार रुपए पारिश्रमिक,
वित्त व लेखाधिकारी गोपाल खरे को 30 हजार रुपए मानदेय व 16250 रुपए
पारिश्रमिक तथा अनुसचिव अनिल कुमार वाजपेयी को 20 हजार रुपए मानदेय
प्रवेश परीक्षा से अर्जित आय से दिया गया है।

प्रवेश परीक्षा से प्राप्त हुए करोड़ों रुपयों की बंदरबांट इसी तरह जारी
है। यूपीटीयू के कुलपति कृपाशंकर ने बताया कि परीक्षा सम्पन्न बनाने के
लिए इस प्रकार के मानदेयों और पारिश्रमिक बड़े अफसरों को देने का कोई
सरकारी प्राविधान नहीं है और न ही इस सम्बंध में किसी प्रकार का कोई
शासनादेश जारी हुआ है। विवि के ही पूर्व वित्त व लेखाधिकारी बीएल राठोर
ने यूपीटीयू के कुलसचिव व जनसूचनाधिकारी से यह सूचना मांगी थी कि परीक्षा
सम्बंधी कार्य के लिए मानदेय व पारिश्रमिक भुगतान करने का आधार क्या है?
वादी ने इस सम्बंध में आवश्यक नियमों व शासनादेशों का विवरण मांगा था।
मामला सूचना आयोग में आने पर राज्य सूचना आयुक्त मेजर संजय यादव ने वादी
को सूचना न देने व विवि की तरफ से कोई प्रतिनिधि उपस्थित न होने के लिए
यूपीटीयू के कुलसचिव के विरुद्ध 25 हजार रुपए के जुर्माने का आदेश पारित
किया है। वादी ने आयोग को बताया कि विवि ने पूरी सूचनाएं उपलब्ध नहीं
कराईं हैं। राज्य सूचना आयुक्त ने विवि की लापरवाही को देखते हुए इस
सम्बंध में विभागीय प्रमुख सचिव कार्यालय के जनसूचनाधिकारी को आदेश दिया
है कि वे अगली सुनवाई के दौरान स्वयं उपस्थित होकर बताएं कि इस प्रकरण
में प्राविधिक विश्वविालय की प्रवेश परीक्षा के कार्य के लिए मानदेय व
पारिश्रमिक भुगतान का क्या आधार है? मेजर संजय यादव ने यह भी आदेश दिया
है कि इस सम्बंध में आवश्यक नियमों व शासनादेशों की प्रमाणित छाया
प्रतियां भी प्रस्तुत करें। 24 जून को फिर सुनवाई होगी।प्रमुख सचिव आलोक
रंजन को एक लाख 25 हजार

पूर्व कुलपति प्रेमव्रत को डेढ़ लाख

विशेष सचिव आरएन सिंह को 50 हजार

Urvashi Sharma

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Ensure free expression and opinion for Maoist supporters, Human Rights Watch urges

11 May 2010

Ensure free expression and opinion for Maoist supporters, Human Rights
Watch urges

SOURCE: Human Rights Watch

(Human Rights Watch/IFEX) - New York, May 7, 2010 - The Indian
government should not equate peaceful political speech with criminal
acts while conducting its operations against armed Maoist groups,
Human Rights Watch said today.

The Indian government appears to have threatened to curb the right to
freedom of expression by treating it as equivalent to providing
material or physical support for criminal acts by the proscribed
Communist Party of India (Maoist), also known as Naxalites, which the
government has banned.

"The Indian government should think twice before trying to silence
political discussion and demanding endorsement of its views on Maoist
groups," said Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch. "The
recent views expressed by the Indian government against so-called
sympathizers could be understood as carte blanche by local authorities
to harass and arrest critics of Indian government policy."

On May 6, 2010, the Home Ministry issued a statement saying that, "It
has come to the notice of the government that some Maoist leaders have
been directly contacting certain NGOs and intellectuals to propagate
their ideology and persuade them to take steps which would provide
support to the CPI (Maoist) ideology." Government officials warned
members of civil society that the Unlawful Activities (Prevention)
Act, 1967, which calls for imprisonment of up to 10 years, could be
used to punish individuals in contact with the Maoists. Home Minister
P. Chidambaram had earlier called upon civil society demanding "voices
of condemnation of those who have, erroneously, extended intellectual
and material support to the CPI (Maoist)."

The Maoists claim to speak for the rights of the marginalized,
including landless peasants, tribal groups, and Dalits. Maoists have
been responsible for serious abuses, including the destruction of
schools and hospitals, extortion, torture, and killings. The Indian
government has acknowledged that the failure of the government to
provide adequate services and development opportunities has led to
disaffection and support for the Maoists in some areas.

The Indian government has carried out armed operations to restore law
and order in areas dominated by the Maoists and to protect the
population. Some state governments combating the Maoists, particularly
in Chhattisgarh, have long subjected human rights defenders and
activists to surveillance, arbitrary travel restrictions, filing of
false cases, arbitrary arrests, and slander campaigns in the press.
Journalists often practice self-censorship to protect themselves from
government harassment. Arbitrary arrests, torture, and extrajudicial
killings by government forces create a risk of fueling anger and
recruiting people to the Maoist cause, Human Rights Watch said.

The population in affected areas is often caught between the Maoist
combatants and government security forces. The Maoists frequently
demand food or shelter at gunpoint and engage in forcible recruitment.
Government forces often arrest and abuse those same villagers,
claiming that they are Maoist supporters.

"The Indian government is well aware that security operations often
result in increased rights abuses," Adams said. "An active and
fearless civil society that monitors abuses by both sides is crucial
to ensure the protection of civilians. Threats to civil society have
no place in a democracy."

For more information:
Human Rights Watch
350 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10118
hrwnyc (@)
Phone: +1 212 290 4700
Fax: +1 212 736 1300
Human Rights Watch

Urvashi Sharma

Saturday, 1 May 2010

ARTICLE 19 releases access to information index


MEXICO: ARTICLE 19 releases access to information index

30 April 2010

ARTICLE 19 releases access to information index
SOURCE: ARTICLE 19: Global Campaign for Free Expression

(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) - 29 April 2010 - In Mexico, the Right to
Information (RTI) is entrenched in the Constitution and there is a
Federal Transparency Law which gives effect to this right. However,
because Mexico is a federal republic, each one of its 32 local state
congresses must approve their own RTI legislation.

The ARTICLE 19 and FUNDAR Index measures the Federal Transparency Law
and 32 local RTI laws against the country's Constitutional mandate and
national legislative development, also establishing a baseline setting
out the minimum criteria to protect RTI.

The Index also evaluates RTI legislation against international
standards and best international practices. It sets international
human rights law and standards for freedom of information as an ideal
benchmark to protect and enhance Access to Information.

"It is absolutely crucial that there is sound legal recognition of the
right to access information, although this is just one of many
challenges in fully realising this right. At the same time, the
exercise of the right to information is one of the best ways to ensure
active participation in the democratic process," comments Darío
Ramírez, Director for ARTICLE 19's Mexico office. "Therefore, this
Access to Information Index for Mexico provides a methodology that we
expect will potentially become a tool that could be used across the
world to enhance access to information."

For its construction, a list of the elements which make up the
normative provisions of each of the transparency and access to
information laws in the country was drawn up. The Index includes a
chart for processing this information which is grouped in several
categories. Therefore, it is an instrument of measurement which allows
comparisons to be made among pieces of legislation, and which
demonstrates, among other things, the level of protection of the right
of access to information nationwide; the degree of individual
development of each piece of legislation and its internal coherence,
its trends and omissions, and which informs about legislative
performance in areas such as the construction of institutional
guarantees, the regulation of procedures or the incorporation of
criteria to regulate the administration of access to public

Measured against the constitutional mandate, 19 of the 32 local
legislations that were analysed failed on the Mexico's Access to
Information Index. The state with the lowest rating is the state of
Guerrero. This is also the state with the lowest human development in
the country and the highest levels of poverty. The lack of guarantees
for the exercise of the Right to Information is a condition that
inhibits the possibility of overcoming these precarious situations.

The Index shows that, even though the Mexican Federal Transparency Law
undoubtedly contributed to the definition of legal guarantees for the
Right to Information in Mexico, it needs to be reformed in order to
efficiently protect and enhance this right. For example, the federal
law fails to incorporate political parties and unions as public
authorities that must comply with the Transparency Law, therefore
inhibiting public scrutiny of national economic resources; it also has
serious deficiencies in the stipulated criteria for classifying
information, which might impede access to public interest information;
also it lacks transparent criteria for the appointment of Information
Commissioners, which eventually might compromise its decision making

The results also showed that local RTI laws in Mexico are weak,
especially in defining procedures to proactively disclose public
information and establishing sanctions for public officials who
undermine or contravene transparency processes. There are also few
systems in place to effectively appoint transparency commissioners who
would oversee compliance with the access to information laws.

The ARTICLE 19/FUNDAR Index sets out legal benchmarks for the
promotion of progressive legislation that will more effectively
guarantee the realisation of the Right to Information.

Urvashi Sharma
Social Worker
contact - 9369613513
rti helpline-8081898081
rti helpmail