Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Manipur journalists shut down newspapers to protest threats from armed groups

Manipur journalists shut down newspapers to protest threats from armed groups

(IFJ/IFEX) - November 1, 2010 - The International Federation of
Journalists (IFJ) stands in solidarity with media workers in Manipur,
in India's North-East, who shut down newspapers last week for the
third time in less than two years to protest persistent threats from
underground armed groups.

According to IFJ sources, the All-Manipur Working Journalists' Union
(AMWJU) declared the mass closure after cadre of the Kangleipak
Communist Party (KCP) visited media houses on October 26 to demand
publication of a statement issued by the party's putative leader.

In the statement, a faction of the KCP claimed responsibility for
killing a local official for alleged criminal activity.

Media outlets were at the same time told by a rival KCP faction that
the statement and the person who issued it had no credibility, and
newspapers would risk retaliation if they published the statement.

"This is not the first time that journalists in Manipur have been
caught in the crossfire between rival groups, each claiming
responsibility for a particular action," IFJ Asia-Pacific Director
Jacqueline Park said.

"The IFJ strongly endorses the AMWJU action and urges all journalists
in Manipur to stand firm in the face of these threats."

The AMWJU organised the state-wide shutdown of newspapers in Manipur
between October 27 and 29 and staged a mass rally on October 28,
presenting a memorandum to the chief minister of Manipur state,
demanding that the rights to free speech and a free press be
respected. A sit-in demonstration at a prominent spot in Imphal,
capital of Manipur, was also held.

Newspapers only resumed publication following expressions of regret
from both KCP factions.

"The AMWJU has led efforts to deal with the multi-faceted threats that
journalists face by adopting a code of conduct for media practitioners
in situations of endemic conflict. This has been an example for many
other journalists' organisations in South Asia", Park said.

"We call on civil society in Manipur to support the struggle of the
state's journalists for a safe and secure environment, so they can
work to fulfil their responsibility to keep the public informed."

Urvashi Sharma

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