Wednesday 8 June, 2011

"Creating IMPACT as a Leader" with Nigel Risner, June 2011

Dear Colleague,

How often do you communicate with people (at home or at work) and feel frustrated when nothing you asked for or wanted happens? Whether at work or at home you can learn how to get the life you have always dreamed of.

The I.M.P.A.C.T. model is so easy to understand that it beggars belief. The tricky bit isn't understanding it, it's committing to change how you think and behave to get the things you wanted ....

We are excited to be hosting a One Day Energizing Masterclass "CREATING IMPACT AS A LEADER" with Nigel Risner in Mumbai on 23rd June and in Pune on 24th June. Nigel's stimulating and engaging style, powerful message, and consistently outstanding professionalism guarantees a "best ever!" presentation every time. His message really sticks!

Benefits: You will feel the full force of Nigel's incredibly motivating ideology. Instantly applicable, simple and devastatingly effective. Nigel will literally transform the way you think and more importantly, the way you act.

Unravel the IMPACT code and register to learn how to apply it to every situation you face. To register click here or write to

Warm regards,
Nikita D'mello
+91 9892838970


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