Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Your signing the online petition on lokpal is the need of the hour : please take a forward step

in the last meeting of the joint drafting committee on the anti-graft
Lokpal Bill ,which comprises of five central ministers and five
representatives of the civil society ,reports are that there was a
deadlock in the talks or they had broken down on the issue of
inclusion of prime minister and higher judiciary within the ambit of
proposed lokpal.

Even the government has sent letters to their sect containing
questions on several issues including: whether the prime minister and
the higher judiciary should be brought under the purview of the

in the wake of latest developments , it is the need of the hour to
express yourself. so please

link to the petition :-

link to sign the petition :

text of petition : To: The Citizens of India including NRIs
Dear all Citizens of India ,

We all know that the Joint Drafting Committee on the Lokpal Bill has
deferred the question of including the office of the Prime Minister
and the higher judiciary to be discussed later . The Joint Drafting
Committee proposes to draft the said bill by June 30.

YAISHWARYAJ is at your doorsteps once again . This time we are before
you with the simplest of the pledges of being the part of the direct
democracy i.e. an initiative / a proposition . Through this
initiative/proposition , YAISHWARYAJ is asking for your opinion as to
whether the Prime Minister and the Judiciary should be within the
purview of LOKPAL or not . All you have to do is just to opine for or
against the said proposal by writing Yes or No. Of course Your
valuable comments shall also be the most welcome and shall strengthen
the cause of the ordinary citizens of India , raised in this petition.


The Undersigned

उर्वशी शर्मा
"सूचना का अधिकार " हेल्पलाइन: 8081898081

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