Hi rtiact2005india4u.aishwaryaj,
I just wrote to the banks funding the Jaitapur reactor park in Maharashtra not to support the project.
Please read the mail below and take action.
Dear friends,
28,000 signatures opposing the Jaitapur nuclear plant are being faxed to the Prime Minister and Maharastra chief minister Prithviraj Chavan's office. The pressure is evident with the CM's office asking us to stop faxing.
The proposed nuclear plant in Jaitapur, Maharashtra uses technology which is still under review [1] and lies in an earthquake-prone zone.[2] However our government plans to go ahead with this dangerous technology.[3] Following the nuclear accident at Fukushima in Japan there is unprecedented public attention on the risks of nuclear energy, and countries world over are rethinking their nuclear plans.[4]
We also need to increase the pressure on our government. May 11 marks the two month anniversary of the Fukushima disaster. On this day we are asking the two foreign banks funding Jaitapur :HSBC and BNP Paribas, not to finance the unsafe reactor park. May 11 is also the Strategic day at HSBC and Annual General meeting for BNP Paribas and the board will be taking major decisions for this year.
Write to these foreign banks asking them not to support the Jaitapur reactor park.
While we ask the government to stop this plant, we also need to gather more voices opposing this project. Growing opposition to the project from different quarters will make it difficult for the government to ignore it. Sending our concerns on this day will help warn these banks about the unpopularity of the Jaitapur project in the country.
A new study by the (IPCC) says that renewable energy can power the world.[5] HSBC and BNP Paribas need invest in clean and safe renewable energy instead of unsafe nuclear power. Tell them now!
Thanks a billion!
Karuna Raina,
Nuclear Campaigner,
Greenpeace India.
1. 20 years, 92 quakes: Ground trembles beneath Jaitapur's feet, Times of India, March 16, 2011
2. Why should Jaitapur be made a guinea pig for untested reactors, DNA, March 17, 2011
3. Jaitapur plant to go ahead with greater compensation, Times of India, April 27, 2011
4. Japan crisis forces rethink of the nuclear option, The Telegraph, UK, March 19, 2011
5. Renewable energy can power the world, says landmark IPCC study, Guardian, May 9, 2011
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