Sunday, 15 May 2011

One thousand Blunders of Uttar Pradesh State Information Commission : to be published by YAISHWARYAJ

After completing five years , U.P.S.I.C. entered the sixth year of
functioning on 22-03-2011 . During these five years , the sycophant (
to state power ) and incompetent information commissioners have
delivered everything but any relief to info-seekers under RTI act.

Occasionally there might have been good orders that found deserving
places in media , to our surprises these orders remained in papers
only and were never implemented to provide final justice to the info
seeker or to ensure compliance of RTI act in its true spirit . By and
large, however, the position appears to be far from satisfactory in
the functioning of Uttar Pradesh State Information Commission.

We, at YAISHWARYAJ , therefore, reiterate our conviction and appeal to
all stakeholders of the RTI regime in Uttar Pradesh to exert their
influence at their respective districts so that all the coming
Information Commissioners should be selected from amongst Retired
Judges and prominent RTI Experts of unimpeachable integrity . We
strongly feel only such persons can carry the RTI movement forward in
consonance with the letter and spirit of the RTI Act.

YAISHWARYAJ runs Mobile RTI helpline 8081898081 . Through the feedback
received from the helpline users and other sources , we at YAISHWARYAJ
are sure that While delivering the decisions , most of the Information
Commissioners erred / miscued/ slipped/ stumbled/ tripped up/
Delivered absurdity/ showed act of folly/ bad job/ misapprehended/
misconceived/ misconstrued/ misinterpreted/ misread/ misunderstood/
confounded/ confused/ mixed up things and what not. Nothing can
mitigate the pain of those who have suffered lakhs of act-defying ,
strange & shocking orders.

We are planning to bring out a publication to enable all to understand
one of the major problems of act-defying non-speaking orders by UPSIC
that is being continuously faced by the RTI users in Uttar Pradesh in
their resolve to expose corruption through the RTI Act since UPSIC
started working.

In first phase YAISHWARYAJ has planned to pioneer the compilation of
unique one thousand Blunders of Uttar Pradesh State Information
Commission . The stated objective for bringing out this compilation is
to underline the problems raised by the UPSIC itself to the RTI users
of the state.

Later on we shall come out with a much detailed compilation titled
"One Lakh Blunders of Uttar Pradesh State Information Commission " .

Since the orders of UPSIC are delivered in Hindi language so these
compilations shall be in hindi.

We have sent requests to the Governor , the Chief Minister and the
Chief State information Commissioner to help us in providing the
orders of UPSIC , delivered since its inception to date.

We request all RTI organizations , RTI activists , RTI users , NGOs ,
PIOs etc. who are in any way associated with RTI activities related to
Uttar Pradesh , to send us their valuable feedback to help us in our
effort .

All communication should be addressed to YAISHWARYAJ F-2376 First
Floor , Rajajipuram , Lucknow – 226017 , India or .

For any specific query feel free to call us at 8081898081 or
9369613513 or 9305463313.

In anticipation of full support from all .

Urvashi Sharma


उर्वशी शर्मा
"सूचना का अधिकार " हेल्पलाइन: 8081898081

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