Thursday, 27 December 2012
UP RTI activist sends legal notice to prime minister
notice to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for his comment on the
"frivolous and vexatious use of the RTI Act" in his address at the 7th
annual convention of information commissioners in Delhi Oct 12.
RTI activist Urvashi Sharma said that after the observations by Prime
Minister Singh, an RTI was filed with the office of Central
Information Commission (CIC) asking for information on all such
applications that were personal in nature and were made to hog the
In a letter (no.CIC/CPIO/2012/1850 dated 03-12-12), Director and Nodal
CPIO-Central Information Commission Pankaj Shreyaskar informed Sharma
that "no information in this regard is available with the commission".
She said the "last destinations of RTI applications are information
commissions and the seven-year record of the CIC does not have even a
single paper to validate the claims made by the prime minister".
"The reply is self-explanatory. It made it clear that no personal,
frivolous and vexatious RTI applications have ever been filed in these
seven years," the RTI activist told IANS.
She said that being a social and RTI activist, she was deeply hurt by
the anti-RTI statement.
Through her notice, Sharma has asked Singh to "either put the
documentary evidences to support your statement before the nation or
take your words back and issue a public apology".
read full story at
Wednesday, 26 December 2012
RTI applications pile up with information panel
Information Commission (SIC) are heading only northwards. Till March
2012, there were some 35,000 applications pending at the commission.
At present, with only three information commissioners (ICs) working at
the UPSIC, cases are piling up. UPSIC has eight vacancies against the
sanctioned strength of 10 ICs.
About 250 applications are filed everyday. The pendency at the
commission is due to first appeal authorities being almost absent in
the state. RTI applications are not getting disposed of at the level
of the public information officers (PIOs) too. In such a situation,
the entire burden of disposing of the RTI applications rests with the
read complete story at
Sunday, 23 December 2012
केंद्रीय मुख्य सूचना आयुक्त सत्यानन्द मिश्र को आर टी आई कार्यकत्री उर्वशी शर्मा की चुनौती
- Urvashi Sharma
Contact 9369613513
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838
Friday, 21 December 2012
No records of Taj Mahal being one of the seven wonders: Govt
when the government was asked to provide certified copies of
notifications, circulars, office notes and other records that declared
the 'monument of love' as one of the wonders of the world, the
government said it had no records to the effect.
The application which moved from PMO to Ministry of culture and landed
at ASI table finally, was answered in a one-liner by Agra circle of
ASI. "Record regarding declaration of Taj Mahal as one of the wonders
of the world is not available in this office," said the superintending
archaeologist and appellate authority of ASI's Agra circle.
The government could have explained if there was any international
body that described the Taj as one of the wonders of the world, or if
the monument was called so in a general parlance, said RTI activist
Urvashi Sharma.
Read full story at
Thursday, 20 December 2012
No frivolous, personal-in-nature RTI queries: Central information commission
LUCKNOW: In response to a query under the Right to Information (RTI)
Act, the the Central Information Commission (CIC), New Delhi, denied
it had any 'frivolous or personal-in-nature' applications available in
the records. This is against statement of chief information
commissioner (CIC) Satyanand Mishra at a seminar on RTI, organized in
the city recently, in which he said, people had not understood the
basics of the RTI Act, and that many applications received by the
central information commission (CIC) were personal in nature, adding
that information should be sought in public interest. In response, RTI
activist Urvashi Sharma moved the commission which denied receiving
queries frivolous or personal in nature.
Read full story at :
Wednesday, 19 December 2012
Monday, 17 December 2012 news :Right To Information Seminar & Public Hearing in INDIA by YAISHWARYAJ
December 16th, 2012 by Ram prakash
Right To Information Seminar & Public Hearing in INDIA by YAISHWARYAJ
Lucknow,India based NGO YAISHWARYAJ Seva Sansthan organized National
Right To Information Seminar & Public Hearing.Program was attended by
more than 60 Right to Information activists from various states of
India.Urvashi Sharma anchored the program.
watch seminar pics and read full story at
Sunday, 16 December 2012 News : 'सरकारी मानसिकता सूचना के अधिकार में बड़ी बाधा’
लखनऊ || दिसंबर 16, 2012: कैसरबाग, लखनऊ स्थित जयशंकर सभागार मे ''सात
वर्षीय सूचना का अधिकार नागरिक वर्ग को शिक्षित करने, भ्रष्टाचार को
रोकने और लोक प्राधिकरणों को उत्तरदायी बनाने में कितना कारागार ?'' विषय
पर संगोष्ठी एवं प्रदेश के विभिन्न जिलों से आये 'सूचना का अधिकार'
प्रयोग-कर्ताओं की जन-सुनवाई का आयोजन किया गया। कार्यक्रम का आयोजन
'येश्वर्याज सेवा संस्थान' एवं एस0आर0पी0डी0एम0 समाज सेवा संस्थान के
सामूहिक तत्तवावधान में किया गया।
कार्यक्रम में पूर्व न्यायाधीश सी0बी0 पाण्डेय ने मुख्य अतिथि के रूप में
संगोष्ठी को सम्बोधित किया। कार्यक्रम की अध्यक्षता सेवानिवृत्त
आई0ए0एस0, अधिवक्ता, आर0टी0आई0 एक्टिविस्ट एवं समाजसेवी एस0एन0 शुक्ला ने
की। कार्यक्रम में मूर्धन्य लेखक एवं प्रोफेसर-लखनऊ विश्वविद्यालय डा0
नीरज कुमार, वरिष्ठ पत्रकार मोहित दुबे, आर0टी0आई0 एक्टिविस्ट प्रो0
डी0डी0 शर्मा एवं आर0टी0आई0 एक्टिविस्ट एवं सामाजिक कार्यकत्री डॉ0 नूतन
ठाकुर विशिष्ट वक्ता के रूप में उपस्थित थे।
कार्यक्रम में वक्ताओं ने सूचना के अधिकार के सात वर्ष की यात्रा पर
प्रकाश डालते हुए सूचना के अधिकार को भारतीय लोकतन्त्र का गौरव बताया।
वक्ताओं ने अपने विचार रखते हुए कहा कि 'जानकारी' या इसे प्राप्त करने के
साधन के बिना एक लोकप्रिय जनता की सरकार प्रहसन या त्रासदी मात्र होती
है। किन्तु 2005 में सूचना का अधिकार प्राप्त होने के बाद भारत में अब
ऐसा नहीं है।
जागरूक नागरिकों को प्रजातन्त्र की मजबूत कड़ी बताते हुए सूचना के अधिकार
के द्वारा देश की आम जनता को देश को बदलने, ताकत मिलने की बात बताते हुए
यह बताया गया कि यह अधिनियम एकमात्र ऐसा अधिनियम है जिसकी शुरूआत जनता
करती है अर्थात जिसकी कुंजी जनता के हाथ में है और इसके सही क्रियान्वयन
से जनता सरकार व अधिकारियों को कठघरे में खड़ा करती है।
लोकतंत्र जनता के द्वारा, जनता के लिए, जनता का शासन होता है किन्तु
सूचना का अधिकार आने से, पूर्व गोपनीयता की आड़ में छद्म राजशाही कायम
थी। सूचना का अधिकार आने से जनता जागरूक और सशक्त हो रही है एवं सशक्त
जनता को शासक-वर्ग बर्दाश्त नहीं कर पा रहा है।
शासक वर्ग का यह व्यवहार प्रधानमंत्री समेत चोटी के राजनेताओं एवं
अधिकारियों के आर0टी0आई0 विरोधी वक्तव्यों एवं सूचना का अधिकार
कार्यकर्ताओं के विरूद्ध हो रही दमनात्मक कार्यवाहियों से परिलक्षित होता
है। इसी कड़ी में सरकारों द्वारा आयोगों को भाई-भतीजावाद की भेंट चढ़ाकर
एक साजिश के तहत अशक्त बनाया जा रहा है।
सूचना का अधिकार, एकमात्र ऐसा अधिकार है जिसमें बिना कोई कारण दिये आम
जनता को सूचना मांगने का अधिकार प्राप्त है एवं यह जनता द्वारा शासक वर्ग
की जिम्मेदारी नियत करने की व्यावहारिक व्यवस्था लागू करने के दृष्टिकोण
से लाया गया था किन्तु यह दुर्भाग्य का विषय है कि देश की जनता को पहले
तो सूचना का अधिकार पाने के लिए संघर्ष करना पड़ा और अब सूचना के अधिकार
को बचाने के लिए संघर्ष करना पड़ रहा है।
सरकारी तन्त्र द्वारा सूचना के अधिकार के प्रति उदासीन रवैये पर प्रकाश
डालते हुए वक्ताओं ने कहा कि सरकारी संस्थाओं द्वारा कानून में प्रदत्त
स्वतः खुलासे के प्रावधानों पर अमल नहीं किया जा रहा है। धारा 4-1(बी) के
तहत जो सूचनाएं चार माह में विभागों की वेबसाइट पर अपलोड हो जानी चाहिए
थी वे 7 साल में भी विभागीय वेबसाइटों पर अपलोड नहीं हो पाई।
कार्यक्रम के अन्त में रामस्वरूप यादव ने धन्यवाद ज्ञापित किया।
कार्यक्रम की संचालिका उर्वशी शर्मा ने लोगों का आवाह्न करते हुए बताया
कि आगामी दिनांक 01.04.2013 को उ0प्र0 विधान सभा के सामने स्थित धरना
स्थल पर ''भैंस के आगे बीन बजाकर'' सूचना के अधिकार के प्रति सरकार के
सुस्त रवैये के विरूद्ध आर0टी0आई0 कार्यकर्ता प्रतीकात्मक प्रदर्शन
करेंगे जिसमें उन्होंने प्रदेश के अधिक से अधिक आर0टी0आई0 कार्यकर्ताओं
से प्रतिभाग करने हेतु आवाह्न किया।
Saturday, 15 December 2012
Friday, 14 December 2012
भैंस के आगे बीन बजाकर किया जायेगा विरोध
Written by Editor Friday, 14 December
लखनऊ: येश्वर्याज सेवा संस्थान लखनऊ के राजाजीपुरम स्थित कैम्प कार्यालय
में उ0प्र0 के सूचना के अधिकार कार्यकर्ताओं एवं प्रयोगकर्ताओं की बैठक
हुई। बैठक में उ0प्र0 में सूचना के अधिकार का सही क्रियान्वयन न हो पाने
के कारण सूचना मांगने वाले नागरिकों को होने वाली समस्याओं पर गहनता से
विचार विमर्श किया गया।
बैठक में उपस्थित लोगों ने सूचना के अधिकार के प्रति सरकार, राज्य सूचना
आयोग, अपीलीय अधिकारियों एवं जनसूचना अधिकारियों के उदासीन रवैये पर गहरा
क्षोभ प्रकट करते हुए सर्वसम्मति से यह निर्णय लिया कि येश्वर्याज सेवा
संस्थान की सचिव उर्वशी शर्मा के नेतृत्व में
01.04.2013 को विधान सभा के सामने स्थित धरना स्थल पर ''भैंस के आगे बीन
बजाकर एंव ''साँपों को दूध पिलाकर प्रदेश के आर0टी0आई0 कार्यकर्ता एवं
प्रयोगकर्ता प्रतीकात्मक प्रदर्शन करेंगें।
इस अभियान हेतु एक पोस्टर भी जारी किया गया। अभियान की प्रभारी उर्वशी
शर्मा ने बताया कि अभियान से जुड़ने के लिए सरकार, राज्य सूचना आयोग,
अपीलीय अधिकारियों एवं जनसूचना अधिकारियों के रवैये से परेशान नागरिक
मो0नं0 9369613513 पर सम्पर्क कर सकते है।
खबर की श्रेणी लखनऊ
Tagged under urvashi
सूचना के सिपाही "भैंस के आगे बीन बजाकर" और "साँपों को दूध पिलाकर" करेंगे प्रतीकात्मक विरोध प्रदर्शन
करेंगे प्रतीकात्मक विरोध प्रदर्शन
Thursday, 13 December 2012
yaishwaryaj seva sansthan organize rti seminar cum public hearing in lucknow : leaftet , invitation card & banner
lucknow : leaftet , invitation card & banner
Lucknow RTI Seminar & Public Hearing by YAISHWARYAJ Seva Sansthan+
- Urvashi Sharma
Contact 9369613513
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
Invite:RTI Seminar & Public Hearing in Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh , India
details at given link
Sunday, 9 December 2012
Sabhaagaar, Rai Umanath Bali Auditorium , Quaisarbagh ,Lucknow
find the details at
Invite:RTI Seminar & Public Hearing on Sunday 16-12-2012 in Jaishankar Sabhaagaar, Rai Umanath Bali Auditorium , Quaisarbagh ,Lucknow
Sabhaagaar, Rai Umanath Bali Auditorium , Quaisarbagh ,Lucknow
Saturday, 8 December 2012
‘Substantially’ funded NGOs to make info public under RTI Act
raises funds by collections from public contribution and it performs
functions of a public nature that are ordinarily performed by the
government or its agency, it is desirable that the NGO voluntarily
place maximum information regarding its activities on its
read full stort at
Info chief asked to check fake RTI applications
issuing some directives to filter pseudo applicants by seeking
identity proofs.......
read full story at
Thursday, 6 December 2012
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
RTI Seminar & Public Hearing in Lucknow on Sunday 16-12-2012 at Jaishankar Sabhaagaar, Rai Umanath Bali Auditorium , Quaisarbagh ,Lucknow
in Lucknow Uttar Pradesh
on Sunday 16-12-2012
at Jaishankar Sabhaagaar, Rai Umanath Bali Auditorium , Quaisarbagh ,Lucknow
Topic :" 7 Years of RTI :Informed Citizenry vis-à-vis Governments'
accountability & Corruption containment"
Registration : From 9:30 AM Onwards
Breakfast : 10 AM
Seminar : Upto 2 PM
Tea Snacks/Lunch : 2 PM
Public Hearing : 02:15 onwards
All are coordially invited to attend
- Urvashi Sharma
Contact 9369613513
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838
Tuesday, 4 December 2012
Man calling himself SP worker threatens whistle blower
Published on December 4, 2012 by SAReporter
Lucknow, Dec 4 (IANS) A woman RTI activist Tuesday alleged having
received a death threat from a man who claimed to be a senior leader
of the Samajwadi Party's (SP) Gujarat unit. A party official said they
would probe if there was any such leader while police said they would
take action.
Right to Information (RTI) activist Urvashi Sharma told IANS that she
received the threat call on her cell number around 11 a.m. Tuesday.
The whistle blower who has been relentlessly pursuing cases against
corruption, specially in social welfare and women welfare departments,
says the caller identified himself as Hari Bhai Yadav and asked her to
stop filing complaints and RTI pleas.
"Neta-ji (party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav) bahut naraaz hain tumse,
utha li jaogi" (Mulayam Singh is very angry with you. You will be
kidnapped)," the man said, according to Sharma.
"This man gave me death threats and threatened me with dire
consequences if I do not stop my fight againt corruption," Sharma said
while fearing for the safety of her life and the family.
Talking to IANS, the caller initially said the call to Sharma was
"made by mistake" and then sought the matter be dropped.
Identifying himself as an SP leader, he said: "There was no point
taking the matter further." He said he will talk to Lucknow DIG to
"settle the matter", and hung up.
Arvind Yadav, personal secretary to Mulayam Singh, told IANS that he
did not know of any such person and would check from the party.
Condemning the call, he said the woman should inform police and seek
Informed of the threat call, Lucknow's Deputy Inspector General of
Police (DIG) Navneet Sikera said the case would be taken up at the
highest priority.
"The law will deal with this man once an FIR is lodged," he assured.
Meanwhile, Sharma said she apprehends that the phone call was made on
behalf of a senior Indian Administrative Service (IAS) official,
against whom she has recently sought a probe.
"I am sure it is this official who is after all this," she alleged,
adding the official is the same who was last year sent back to the
state cadre UP prematurely from the union government on charges of
"anti-national activity and corruption".
Sharma said she also faxed copies of her letter seeking probe into the
threat call to Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav and Chief Secretary Javed
IANS 2012-12-04 16:16:06
Monday, 3 December 2012
Rs 2,490 cr tax-exemption given to political parties in 5 years
Read full story
Sunday, 2 December 2012
Saturday, 1 December 2012
Rising number of RTI queries beset IIM-A
Read full story
Friday, 30 November 2012
Thursday, 29 November 2012
read full text at
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
Government websites under lens for quality and content
Read Full Story
Monday, 26 November 2012
RTI activist fights to expose 'chinks' in Central Information Commission
Read Full Story
Saturday, 24 November 2012
RTI News : 4,620 phone tappings in State in 4 yrs
read full story
Friday, 23 November 2012
RTI panels headed by people who've been close to govt: Supreme Court
Read Full Story :
Thursday, 22 November 2012
No proposal to amend RTI Act, says Centre
read the full story at given link
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
RTI activist's murder taken as suo motu PIL on press reports
Press Trust of India / Bangalore November 21, 2012, 15:05
read full story :
Home » India
Nov 20, 2012 - Amita Verma
Age Correspondent
Is UP chief minister Akhilesh Yadav losing grip over the
bureaucracy? So it seems if one believes the disclosures made through
a RTI response on an application field by a Lucknow resident Urvashi
Ms Urvashi Sharma has filed an application under the RTI, wanting
to know what action had been taken on complaints received by the chief
minister Akhilesh Yadav's office between March and October 2012 and
also the action taken during the first six month when Ms Mayawati was
in power.
The response that Ms Urvashi Sharma has received shows that nearly
60.96 per cent of complaints were attended to in the Mayawati regime
but in the Akhilesh regime, the percentage of complaints attended to
is merely 4.18. According to official figures, a tot-al of 79,086
complaints were received in the Mayawati regime betw-een 13 May 2007
and 17 November 2009. About 48, 217 complaints were attended to by the
officers. In the Akhilesh regime, 94,773 comlaints have been rece-ived
between March 15 and October 3.
November 20, 2012
By Amita Verma
Is UP chief minister Akhilesh Yadav losing grip over the
bureaucracy? So it seems if one believes the disclosures made through
a RTI response on an application field by a Lucknow resident Urvashi
Ms Urvashi Sharma has filed an application under the RTI, wanting
to know what action had been taken on complaints received by the chief
minister Akhilesh Yadav's office between March and October 2012 and
also the action taken during the first six month when Ms Mayawati was
in power.
The response that Ms Urvashi Sharma has received shows that nearly
60.96 per cent of complaints were attended to in the Mayawati regime
but in the Akhilesh regime, the percentage of complaints attended to
is merely 4.18. According to official figures, a tot-al of 79,086
complaints were received in the Mayawati regime betw-een 13 May 2007
and 17 November 2009. About 48, 217 complaints were attended to by the
officers. In the Akhilesh regime, 94,773 comlaints have been rece-ived
between March 15 and October 3.
November 20, 2012
By Amita Verma
Is UP chief minister Akhilesh Yadav losing grip over the bureaucracy?
So it seems if one believes the disclosures made through a RTI
response on an application field by a Lucknow resident Urvashi Sharma.
Ms Urvashi Sharma has filed an application under the RTI, wanting to
know what action had been taken on complaints received by the chief
minister Akhilesh Yadav's office between March and October 2012 and
also the action taken during the first six month when Ms Mayawati was
in power.
The response that Ms Urvashi Sharma has received shows that nearly
60.96 per cent of complaints were attended to in the Mayawati regime
but in the Akhilesh regime, the percentage of complaints attended to
is merely 4.18. According to official figures, a tot-al of 79,086
complaints were received in the Mayawati regime betw-een 13 May 2007
and 17 November 2009. About 48, 217 complaints were attended to by the
officers. In the Akhilesh regime, 94,773 comlaints have been rece-ived
between March 15 and October 3.
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
SC to hear transparency law plea in open court
Monday, 19 November 2012 :UP babus sit on files despite CM’s order
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UP babus sit on files despite CM's order
Sanjay Pandey Lucknow, Nov 18, 2012, DHNS
Disposal rate during Mayawati regime was better than in Akhilesh govt
Uttar Pradesh chief minister Akhilesh Yadav may be trying hard to
ensure quick redressal of peoples' grievances through 'janata
darshan', but his efforts are being nipped in the bud by his own
A Right to Information (RTI) query has revealed that the disposal rate
of chief minister's references to various government departments was a
dismal 4.18 per cent indicating that the officials were sitting on
Akhilesh's references.
The query, filed by Lucknow based social activist Urvashi Sharma,
showed that the disposal rate of the chief minister's references was
much higher during the previous Mayawati regime.
The data reveal that clearance rate of the CM's references between May
13, 2007 and November 17, 2009 during Mayawati's regime was almost 61
per cent. Over 48,000 out of 78,000 references were disposed, the
query reveals.
In sharp contrast, the clearance rate of Akhilesh's references between
March 15, 20012 and October 3, 20012 stands at a meagre 4.18 per cent.
The officials disposed only 3,964 of 94,773 references sent to them,
according to the data.
"If this is the fate of CM's references, the fate of common man's
applications can very well be imagined," said Sharma. "If this is to
be taken as indicators, the data reflect that bureaucracy of UP was
14.58 times better managed by Mayawati when compared to Akhilesh
Yadav," the social activist added.
Ironically Akhilesh went hi-tech to ensure speedy redressal of
grievances as the crowd continued to swell at the programmes
indicating 'inaction' of the officials at the district levels.
Every applicant is now given a 'bar coded' computerised receipt so
that it is not lost in the sea of applications. The applicant himself
can find out the action taken on his grievances even from his home
districts. The details of the application will also be uploaded on the
government's official website.
Many people complain that no action had been taken on their
applications though they had been attending the 'janata darshan' for
the fourth or fifth time.
"A majority of problems are petty in nature and may be easily resolved
at local levels. Yet people spend so much money and time to come to
Lucknow. It happens only because the district officials do not perform
their duty honestly," the officials admit.
But the problems remain unresolved despite the chief minister's references.
- Urvashi Sharma
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सीएम अखिलेश के अफसर उन्हीं की नहीं सुनते
Dainik Bhaskar
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Better Than Akhilesh
EXCLUSIVE: सीएम अखिलेश के अफसर उन्हीं की नहीं सुनते
Ashish rai | Nov 19, 2012, 06:45AM IST
लखनऊ. यूपी सरकार के अधिकारी अपने मुख्यमंत्री अखिलेश यादव की ही नहीं
सुनते हैं। जी हां, यह चौंकाने वाला खुलासा लखनऊ की रहने वाली उर्वशी
शर्मा द्वारा दायर आरटीआई से हुआ है। उन्होंने राज्य सरकार से आरटीआई के
तहत पूछा था कि मुख्यमंत्री के पास जो शिकायतें आई हैं उस पर उनके आदेशों
के बाद अधिकारियों ने क्या कार्रवाही की है? यह सवाल 2007 में बनी बसपा
सरकार के कार्यकाल और वर्तमान की अखिलेश सरकार के अब तक के कार्यकाल को
लेकर पूछे गये थे। इसके जवाब में जो आंकड़ों में प्राप्त हुए उससे खुलासा
हुआ कि माया सरकार में कुल 60.96 फीसदी मामले निस्तारित किए गए और अखिलेश
सरकार में केवल 4.18 फीसदी।
आंकड़ों ने कुछ यूं बयां की अखिलेश सरकार की हकीकत...
बकौल आंकड़े, अखिलेश यादव सरकार और बसपा सरकार के कार्यकाल में जनता की
समस्या लगभग एक सामान ही थी। पर जब समस्याओं के समाधान की बात आती है तो
मायावती के शासन काल में जनता की समस्याओं को लेकर अधिकारी ज्यादा संजीदा
नज़र आते है। आंकडे बताते हैं कि अखिलेश सरकार से 14.56 फीसदी ज्यादा
प्रभावी ढंग से मायावती सरकार चलती थी। मायावती के अधिकारी उनके आदेश को
सब से ज्यादा सुनते थे। आंकडे बताते हैं कि अखिलेश सरकार से 14.58 फीसदी
अधिक कार्रवाही की गई थी।
आकड़ों के मुताबिक, 13/05/2007 से 17/11/2009 के बीच कुल 79086 मामले
आये। इसमें से कुल 48217 मामले उनके अधिकारियों ने निस्तारित किये हैं।
वहीं, अखिलेश सरकार के अब तक के कार्यकाल में 15/03/12 से लेकर 03/10/12
कुल 94773 मामले सामने आये हैं। इन मामलों को त्वरित निस्तारित करने का
आदेश मुख्यमंत्री अखिलेश यादव की तरफ से दिया गया था, लेकिन उनके
अधिकारियों ने अभी तक केवल 3964 मामलों को अमली जामा पहनाया है। यानी
केवल 3964 मामलों का निस्तारण किया गया। इस तरह माया सरकार में कुल 60.96
फीसदी मामले निस्तारित किए गए और अखिलेश सरकार में केवल 4.18 फीसदी।
लखनऊ. यूपी सरकार के अधिकारी अपने मुख्यमंत्री अखिलेश यादव की ही नहीं
सुनते हैं। जी हां, यह चौंकाने वाला खुलासा लखनऊ की रहने वाली उर्वशी
शर्मा द्वारा दायर आरटीआई से हुआ है। उन्होंने राज्य सरकार से आरटीआई के
तहत पूछा था कि मुख्यमंत्री के पास जो शिकायतें आई हैं उस पर उनके आदेशों
के बाद अधिकारियों ने क्या कार्रवाही की है? यह सवाल 2007 में बनी बसपा
सरकार के कार्यकाल और वर्तमान की अखिलेश सरकार के अब तक के कार्यकाल को
लेकर पूछे गये थे। इसके जवाब में जो आंकड़ों में प्राप्त हुए उससे खुलासा
हुआ कि माया सरकार में कुल 60.96 फीसदी मामले निस्तारित किए गए और अखिलेश
सरकार में केवल 4.18 फीसदी।
आंकड़ों ने कुछ यूं बयां की अखिलेश सरकार की हकीकत...
EXCLUSIVE: सीएम अखिलेश के अफसर उन्हीं की नहीं सुनते
बीजेपी के प्रदेश अध्यक्ष लक्ष्मी कान्त बाजपाई का कहना है कि हम पहले से
कहते आये हैं कि यह सरकार पूरी तरह से विफल रही है। जब भी जनता के काम को
पूरा करने की बात आई तो इस सरकार ने कोई कार्रवाही नहीं की है। सरकार का
अपनी जनता पर कोई लगाम नहीं है। समाजवादी पार्टी के प्रवक्ता राजेन्द्र
चौधरी का कहना है कि माया सरकार मे लूट होती थी। इस लूट का निस्तारण उन
के अधिकारी तुरंत कर देते थे। वर्तमान की सरकार में मामलों की पूरी
छानबीन की जाती है ताकि मामलों को पूरी तरह से निस्तारित किया जा सके। इस
में थोडा समय लग रहा है।
Sunday, 18 November 2012
माया राज में 14 गुना ज्यादा तेजी से निपटते थे मामले•आरटीआई ने खोला मुख्यमंत्री संदर्भों के विभागों में निपटारे की ढिलाई का राज
मुख्यमंत्री संदर्भों के विभागों में निपटारे की ढिलाई का राज
माया राज में 14 गुना ज्यादा तेजी से निपटते थे मामले•आरटीआई ने खोला
मुख्यमंत्री संदर्भों के विभागों में निपटारे की ढिलाई का राज
लखनऊ (ब्यूरो)। अगर प्रदेश सरकार के विभिन्न विभागों को भेजे गए
मुख्यमंत्री संदर्भों के निपटारे को कसौटी मानें तो पिछली मायावती सरकार
में वर्तमान अखिलेश यादव सरकार से 14.58 गुना ज्यादा तेजी से मामले
निपटते थे। आरटीआई से मिली जानकारियों ने खुलासा किया है कि वर्तमान
सरकार में मुख्यमंत्री संदर्भों के निपटारे की गति बहुत धीमी है। इसकी
तुलना में मायावती सरकार की नौकरशाही ज्यादा तेज काम करती थी।
आरटीआई कार्यकर्ता उर्वशी शर्मा ने पिछले दिनों मुख्यमंत्री अभिलेख
प्रकोष्ठ के संबंध में जानकारी मांगी थी। आरटीआई से मांगी गई जानकारी से
पता चला कि मायावती के शासन निपटारे का प्रतिशत 60.96 प्रतिशत था। इसके
इतर अखिलेश राज में 15 मार्च 2012 से तीन अक्तूबर 2012 के मध्य निपटारे
का प्रतिशत महज 4.18 है।
RTI News:TOI 18-11-12 :UP bureaucrats sleep over CM's references
LUCKNOW: Does chief minister Akhilesh Yadav have a weak grip on the
bureaucracy? The huge pendency of CM's references with the government
departments may lend credence to the notion, especially at a time when
there are talks of the Samajwadi Party government having 'more than
one' power centre.
In comparison, Akhilesh's predecessor Mayawati, said to keep
bureaucracy on its toes, had a much better rate regarding disposal on
such references.
This information has come to fore through an RTI query filed by
activist Urvashi Sharma. It shows that the number of public
complaints, representations received from MLAs and politicians,
memoranda, e-mails, public opinions and suggestions and reports,
received at CM's office and forwarded to the departments concerned for
action is piling up.
In fact, the RTI reveals, that departments have disposed only a
handful of these references, indicating that the bureaucracy is no
longer as prompt as it was during the Maya regime.
The Mayawati government had sent 79,086 references to the government
departments between May 2007 and November 2009, and got them to act on
48,217 references.
In contrast, Akhilesh government in its eight-month tenure has
forwarded 94,773 references to the departments but action has been
taken only on 3,964 references. So, while Mayawati got the bureaucracy
to act on 60.96% public complaints and representatives, Akhilesh has
managed a meager 4.18%.
The departments that top the chart in non-disposal of references are
home and confidential and prisons with 16,945 references pending for
disposal at the level of principal secretary.
The department has a tardy disposal rate of about 2.63%. Among the
other laggards are the law department with a disposal rate of 0.24%,
primary education 0.80%, secondary education 2.83%, medical, health
and family welfare 1.70%, higher education 3.03%, social welfare
3.10%, agriculture 7.20%, forest 0.84%, estate department 0%, youth
welfare 0%, environment 0% and technical education 4.14%.
These departments are also the ones which have received maximum
references from the CM office. The information provided to RTI
activist Urvashi Sharma by CM office shows that law department
received some 12,000 references between March and October 2012,
primary education got 6,500 references and secondary education about
5,000 references for action.
The others departments that have public dissatisfaction growing
against them are civil and food supplies, housing, urban development,
energy, rural development, PWD, social welfare, appointment and
medical education.
Saturday, 17 November 2012
‘आरटीआई आंप्टिमा’ बनेगा आम आदमी का हथियार-उर्वशी शर्मा
» राज्य » उत्तर प्रदेश » लखनऊ
'आरटीआई आंप्टिमा' बनेगा आम आदमी का हथियार-उर्वशी शर्मा
Lucknow : हजरतगंज स्थित प्रेस क्लब में स्वयं सेवी संस्था
''येश्वर्याज सेवा संस्थान'', 'एक्शन गु्रुप फार राइट टू इनफारमेशन' तथा
'एस.आर.पी.डी.एम. समाज सेवा संस्थान' के तत्वाधान में माननीय सर्वोच्च
न्यायलय द्वारा सूचना आयुक्तों की नियुक्ति के सम्बन्ध में दिये गये
निर्णय के परिप्रेक्ष्य में सूचना के अधिकार को मजबूती देने की नयी
सम्भावनाओं की तलाश को लेकर एक परिचर्चा का आयोजन किया गया। कार्यक्रम के
आरम्भ में येश्वर्याज सेवा संस्थान की सचिव उर्वशी शर्मा ने अतिथियों को
पुष्प गुच्छ भेंट करके उनका स्वागत किया। कार्यक्रम कें मुख्य अतिथि
सेवानिवृत्त न्यायाधीश कमलेश्वर नाथ थे। कार्यक्रम की अध्यक्षता डी.डी.
शर्मा ने की। कार्यक्रम मेंभारत सरकार द्वारा दायर याचिका में इण्टरवीनर
(हस्तक्षेपक) बनकर अपना पूरा पक्ष रख सकते है साथ ही आग्रह करें कि
रिव्यू पिटीशन की सुनवाई चेम्बर में न करके ओपन कोर्ट में की जाये।
प्रदेश के सभी जिलों के 100 से अधिक आर.टी.आई. कार्यकर्ताओं ने प्रतिभाग
किया। विद्वान वक्ता डा. नूतन ठाकुर एवं डा. डी.डी.शर्मा ने अपने उद्बोधन
में उप्र में सूचना के अधिकार के वर्तमान क्रियान्वयन की स्थिति पर
प्रकाश डालते हुए कहा कि आम जनता के लिए बनाये गये इस सरल अधिकार को
उत्तरोत्तर प्रक्रियागत जटिलताओं में आबद्ध करने का प्रयास किया जा रहा
है। माननीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के निर्णय के सकारात्मक पक्षों पर प्रकाश
डालते हुये डा. ठाकुर ने सूचना आयुक्तों की नियुक्ति में पारदर्शिता के
कदम को स्वागत योग बताया एवं आह्वाहन किया कि सरकार इसे जल्द से जल्द
लागू करे। प्रमुख अतिथि सेवानिवृत्त न्यायाधीश कमलेश्वर नाथ ने मा.
सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के निर्णय पर प्रकाश डालते हुये सूचना के अधिकार कानून
पर इसके प्रभाव की विस्तार से व्याख्या करते हुए सभागार में उपस्थित
जन-समुदाय की जिज्ञासाओं को शान्त किया। कमलेश्वर नाथ जी ने निर्णय के
सकारात्मक पक्षों के साथ-साथ विरोधाभासी तथ्यों पर भी विस्तार से चर्चा
की। कमलेश्वर नाथ जी ने उपस्थित जनसमुदाय को सुझाव दिया कि वे प्रकरण में
भारत सरकार द्वारा दायर याचिका में इण्टरवीनर (हस्तक्षेपक) बनकर अपना
पूरा पक्ष रख सकते है, एवं उन्होंने यह भी कहा कि इण्टरवीनर मा. न्यायालय
से यह आग्रह करें कि रिव्यू पिटीशन की सुनवाई चेम्बर में न करके ओपन
कोर्ट में की जाये। कार्यक्रम के दौरान न्यायाधीश कमलेश्वर नाथ जी ने
येश्वर्याज सेवा संस्थान की दो भावी योजनाओं की घोषणा की। इस बारे में
संस्थान की सचिव उर्वशी शर्मा ने बताया कि संस्थान ''आरटीआई आंप्टिमा''
नाम से एक कार्यक्रम का आरम्भ कर रहा है, जिसमें संस्थान के सदस्य उन
व्यक्तियों की तरफ से सूचनाए मांगेगे जो समयाभाव या किसी प्रकार के भय
आदि के कारण सूचना नहीं मांग पाते। उर्वशी ने बताया कि संस्थान का
उद्देश्य है कि किसी भी जरूरतमंद व्यक्ति की सूचना बिना मांगे न रह जाये।
येश्वर्याज सेवा संस्थान की ओर से ''आरटीआई अवार्ड-2012'' की घोषणा की
गयी है। आरटीआई अवार्ड के बारे में उर्वशी ने बताया कि संस्थान द्वारा
नियमित वर्गों में तो आरटीआई अवार्ड दिये ही जायेंगे, इसके अतिरिक्त देश
के सभी निरक्षर, अवयस्क एवं आर.टी.आई. हेतु शहीद हुए कार्यकर्ताओं के
परिवारजनों को लखनऊ बुलाकर सम्मानित किया जायेगा। कार्यक्रम का संचालन
श्री इजहार अंसारी एवं श्री राम स्वरूप यादव ने किया।
परिचर्चा के उपरान्त सभी कार्यकर्ताओं ने प्रधानमंत्री द्वारा सूचना के
अधिकार कानून को कमजोर करने के सम्बन्ध में दिये गये वक्तव के विरोध में
जीपीओ स्थित महात्मा गांधी जी की प्रतिमा तक शान्ति मार्च निकाला एवं
महात्मा गांधी जी की प्रतिमा पर मोमबत्ती जलाकर प्रदर्शन किया।
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आरटीआई के प्रचार प्रसार हेतु कार्यशाला का आयोजन
आरटीआई के प्रचार प्रसार हेतु कार्यशाला का आयोजन
आरटीआई के प्रचार प्रसार हेतु कार्यशाला का आयोजन
Written by Editor
Saturday, 17 November 2012 19:01
आरटीआई के प्रचार प्रसार हेतु कार्यशाला का आयोजन
लखनऊ: गैर सरकारी संगठन येश्वर्याज सेवा संस्थान के राजाजीपुरम लखनऊ
स्थित कैम्प कार्यालय में सूचना का अधिकार अधिनियम 2005 के प्रचार प्रसार
हेतु एक कार्यशाला का आयोजन किया गया। कार्यशाला में प्रदेश के विभिन्न
जिलों से आये सैकड़ो व्यक्तियों ने प्रतिभाग किया। कार्यशाला में संस्थान
की ओर से सूचना के अधिकार से सम्बन्धित ज्ञान वर्धक पुस्तकों का निशुल्क
वितरण भी किया गया। कार्यक्रम का आरम्भ वयोवृद्ध समाजसेवी रामप्रकाश ने
किया। उपस्थित जनसमुदाय को सम्बोधित करते हुए रामप्रकाश ने कहा कि शासन
सत्ता के शीर्ष पदस्थ लोगों के घोटाले सूचना के अधिकार के प्रयोग से
उजागर हो रहे हैं और यही कारण है कि सरकारी मशीनरी द्वारा सूचना के
अधिकार की धार को कुन्द करने का प्रयास किया जा रहा है। रामप्रकाश ने हाल
ही में नमित शर्मा बनाम भारत सरकार के वाद में सर्वोच्च न्यायालय द्वारा
पारित आदेश एवं सूचना आयुक्तों के सम्मेलन में प्रधानमंत्री मनमोहन सिंह
के आर0टी0आई0 विरोधी वक्तव्य को इसकी बानगी बताते हुए लोगों का आवाहन
किया कि वे एकजुट होकर आर0टी0आई0 विरोधी प्रयासों का डटकर मुकाबला करें।
कार्यक्रम में आये जनसमुदाय द्वारा उठाये गये प्रश्नों का उत्तर देते हुए
येश्वर्याज सेवा संस्थान की सचिव उर्वशी शर्मा ने संस्थान की नई पहल '
आर0टी0आई0 आप्टिमा' की जानकारी देते हुए बताया कि किसी प्रकार के भय,
समयाभाव इत्यादि के कारण चाह कर भी सूचना के अधिकार का प्रयोग न कर पा
रहे व्यक्ति संस्थान की हेल्पलाइन 8081898081, 9455553838 पर फोन कर या पर मेल भेज कर स्वयं के खर्चे पर संस्थान के माध्यम
से सूचना के अधिकार का प्रयोग कर सकते हैं। उर्वशी ने संस्थान द्वारा हाल
ही में घोषित किये गये ' सूचना का अधिकार वीरता पुरस्कार 2012' की
विशेषता के बारे में जानकारी देते हुए कहा कि संस्थान द्वारा नियमित
श्रेणियों के अतिरिक्त 21.10.2012 से पूर्व सूचना का अधिकार प्रयोग करने
वाले देश के सभी निरक्षर एवं अवयस्क नागरिकों को लखनऊ बुलाकर सम्मानित
किया जायेगा। कार्यक्रम की अध्यक्षता वयोवृद्ध समाजसेविका उषा ने एवं
संचालन बबिता सिंह ने किया।
खबर की श्रेणी लखनऊ
Tagged under
urvashi sharma
RTI awareness camp in lucknow by YAISHWARYAJ Seva Sansthan
Thursday, 15 November 2012
RTI Awareness Workshop in Lucknow on 17th November 2012 by YAISHWARYAJ Seva Sansthan
Seva Sansthan
Monday, 12 November 2012
Sunday, 11 November 2012
RTI activist writes to authorities to ensure uniformity in all versions of RTI acts uploaded on Union Government’s website
versions of RTI acts uploaded on Union Government's website
Saturday, 10 November 2012
Yaishwaryaj introduces RTI Optima, for filing RTI online
Yaishwaryaj introduces RTI Optima, for filing RTI online
yaishwaryaj Posted November 10, 2012
"RTI OPTIMA" by 'YAISHWARYAJ' is an effort of Lucknow based NGO
YAISHWARYAJ Seva Sansthan to make sure that no RTI remains unfiled for
any reason, whatsoever.
"RTI OPTIMA" by 'YAISHWARYAJ' was inaugurated amidst august gathering
of hundreds of RTI activists of various districts of Uttar Pradesh at
Uttar Pradesh Press Club Hazratganj Lucknow on Sunday,21st October
2012 by Retd. Justice Kamleshwar Nath, Noted Journalist, Social Worker
and RTI Activist Dr. Nutan Thakur, Noted Journalist, Social Worker and
RTI Activist Izhar Ahmad Ansari and RTI Activist Dr. Dev Dutt Sharma.
Talking on the need to start such a venture, Urvashi Sharma, Secretary
YAISHWARYAJ Seva Sansthan told " since last four years, Yaishwaryaj
has been operating RTI help lines 8081898081,9235169855 and helpline
against corruption 9455553838. Based on experience of these help
lines, our group's estimates are that more than 50% RTIs remains
unfiled because of lack of time/ fear of being known /RTIs being
related to the known persons, higher officials etc. 'YAISHWARYAJ'
aims to ensure that RTI of every willing citizen, who wants but fails
to file RTI for any reason, should get filed. Keeping this in mind
YAISHWARYAJ Seva Sansthan Lucknow has launched a unique facility "RTI
where one can file online RTI or Anonymous RTI 'at one's own expenses.
It's a platform where one can file 'ONLINE RTI' in one's own name or a
member of YAISHWARYAJ shall do it for him in his/her name at one's
Telling about the operational part of "RTI OPTIMA" by 'YAISHWARYAJ',
Urvashi told "Those desirous of availing this facility shall be
required to send the details of the RTI subject matter along with
200/- contribution through Indian Postal Order/ Demand Draft/Money
order in favor of 'YAISHWARYAJ SEVA SANSTHAN'. The contribution can be
directly credited to 'YAISHWARYAJ SEVA SANSTHAN' HDFC bank Account no.
'1136 145 0000 126' .For online RTI These 200/- shall cover drafting
the RTI for appropriate PIO/CPIO and sending it to the person by Speed
Post/Registered Post so that he should sign it and send it.For
Anonymous RTIs, these 200/- shall cover filing of RTI by Speed
Post/Registered Post and sending the hard copy of reply from PIO to
the person concerned at the address given by him/filing of first
appeal in case PIO fails to respond within 30 days. First appeal shall
be filed on 46th day from the date of dispatch of RTI to PIO/CPIO. For
further action/actions like sending hard copy/copies of RTI reply
received after filing first appeal ,reply on first appeal sent by
appellate authority to the person concerned and filing the second
appeal, further contribution of Rs. 200/- has to be sent. If the
person wants 'YAISHWARYAJ' to take up their cases in information
commissions, a further contribution @ Rs. 200/- per hearing per case
has to be deposited in advance. This includes sending the hard copy of
order of the commission by registered/speed post to the person
concerned. Applicants may send their name, mailing address/Mobile
no/E-mail ID if they desire to get the information of RTI filed on
their subjects through post/E-mail/SMS. All anonymous RTIs and their
replies shall be uploaded on Website and blog as given below, from
where anyone can download them. 'YAISHWARYAJ' deserves all rights to
use and publish the replies received on anonymous RTIs filed by the
member of 'YAISHWARYAJ' in her/his name."
Telling about the unique feature of "RTI OPTIMA" by 'YAISHWARYAJ'
Urvashi told "Anonymous RTIs related to personal problems of persons
who are below poverty line, shall be filed by 'YAISHWARYAJ' at its own
expenses. Such person need not send any contribution."
Urvashi appealed that Volunteers desirous of Joining 'YAISHWARYAJ'
should send their two passport size photographs, self attested
Identity proof , address proof and Joining fee. Lifetime Joining fee
is Rs. 5000/- and one year joining fee is Rs. 100/-.Individuals and
Institutions desirous of helping 'YAISHWARYAJ' in its endeavor to
ensure establishment of 'PaRTIcipatory Democracy in INDIA', are
welcome to send their donations/contributions through Indian Postal
Order/ Demand Draft/Money order in favor of 'YAISHWARYAJ SEVA
SANSTHAN'. The contribution can be directly credited to 'YAISHWARYAJ
SEVA SANSTHAN' HDFC bank Account no. '1136 145 0000 126' .
For Further Details,one can Contact Urvashi Sharma,
Mobile +919369613513,
Mailing Address: F-2286,Rajajipuram, Lucknow-226017, Uttar Pradesh, India
RTI Helpline: +918081898081
Anti Corruption Helpline: +919455553838
Blog http: //
Filing of online RTI or anonymous RTI in India launched
Filing of online RTI or anonymous RTI in India launched
November 10th, 2012 by Ram prakash Ram prakash
Lucknow, India, South Asia
+ More stories from Ram prakash All images
ID:1583477 +add to lightbox-remove from lightboxBUY 01/02CaptionFile
Online RTI or Anonymous RTI in INDIA: rti OPTIMA by YAISHWARYAJ.
ID:1583482 +add to lightbox-remove from lightboxBUY 02/02CaptionFile
Online RTI or Anonymous RTI in INDIA: rti OPTIMA by YAISHWARYAJ.
PreviousNextReport current story "rti OPTIMA" by 'YAISHWARYAJ' is an
effort of Lucknow based NGO YAISHWARYAJ Seva Sansthan to make sure
that no RTI remains unfiled for any reason ,whatsoever.
"rti OPTIMA" by 'YAISHWARYAJ' was inaugurated amidst august gathering
of hundreds of RTI activists of various districts of Uttar Pradesh at
Uttar Pradesh Press Club Hazratganj Lucknow on Sunday,21st October
2012 by Retd.Justice Kamleshwar Nath,Noted Journalist,Social Worker &
RTI Activist Dr. Nutan Thakur, Noted Journalist,Social Worker & RTI
Activist Izhar Ahmad Ansari and RTI Activist Dr. Dev Dutt Sharma.
Talking on the need to start such a venture, Urvashi Sharma,Secretary
YAISHWARYAJ Seva Sansthan told " since last four years, Yaishwaryaj
has been operating RTI help lines 8081898081,9235169855 and helpline
against corruption 9455553838.Based on experience of these helplines ,
our group's estimates are that more than 50% RTIs remains unfiled
because of lack of time/ fear of being known /RTIs being related to
the known persons,higher officials etc.'YAISHWARYAJ' aims to ensure
that RTI of every willing citizen,who wants but fails to file RTI for
any reason,should get filed.Keeping this in mind YAISHWARYAJ Seva
Sansthan Lucknow has launched a unique facitily "rti OPTIMA" by
'YAISHWARYAJ'."rti OPTIMA" by 'YAISHWARYAJ' is a platform where one
can file online RTI or Anonymous RTI 'at one's own expenses'. Its a
platform where one can file 'ONLINE RTI' in one's own name or a member
of YAISHWARYAJ shall do it for him in his/her name at one's cost."
Telling about the operational part of "rti OPTIMA" by 'YAISHWARYAJ',
Urvashi told "Those desirous of availing this facility shall be
required to send the details of the RTI subject matter along with
200/- contribution through Indian Postal Order/ Demand Draft/Money
order in favor of 'YAISHWARYAJ SEVA SANSTHAN'. The contribution can be
directly credited to 'YAISHWARYAJ SEVA SANSTHAN' HDFC bank Account no.
'1136 145 0000 126' .For online RTI These 200/- shall cover drafting
the RTI for appropriate PIO/CPIO and sending it to the person by Speed
Post/Registered Post so that he should sign it and send it.For
Anonymous RTIs, these 200/- shall cover filing of RTI by Speed
Post/Registered Post and sending the hard copy of reply from PIO to
the person concerned at the address given by him/filing of first
appeal in case PIO fails to respond within 30 days.First appeal shall
be filed on 46th day from the date of dispatch of RTI to PIO/CPIO.For
further action/actions like sending hard copy/copies of RTI reply
received after filing first appeal ,reply on first appeal sent by
appellate authority to the person concerned and filing the second
appeal, further contribution of Rs. 200/- has to be sent.If the person
wants 'YAISHWARYAJ' to take up their cases in information commissions
,a further contribution @ Rs. 200/- per hearing per case has to be
deposited in advance. This includes sending the hard copy of order of
the commission by registered/speed post to the person
concerned.Applicants may send their name, mailing address/Mobile
no./E-mail ID if they desire to get the information of RTI filed on
their subjects through post/E-mail/SMS.All anonymous RTIs and their
replies shall be uploaded on Website and blog as given below ,from
where anyone can download them.'YAISHWARYAJ' deserves all rights to
use and publish the replies received on anonymous RTIs filed by the
member of 'YAISHWARYAJ' in her/his name."
Telling about the unique feature of "rti OPTIMA" by 'YAISHWARYAJ'
Urvashi told "Anonymous RTIs related to personal problems of persons
who are below poverty line, shall be filed by 'YAISHWARYAJ' at its own
expenses. Such person need not send any contribution."
Urvashi appealed that Volunteers desirous of Joining 'YAISHWARYAJ'
should send their two passport size photographs, self attested
Identity proof , address proof and Joining fee. Lifetime Joining fee
is Rs. 5000/- and one year joining fee is Rs. 100/-.Individuals and
Institutions desirous of helping 'YAISHWARYAJ' in its endeavor to
ensure establishment of 'Participatory Democracy in INDIA', are
welcome to send their donations/contributions through Indian Postal
Order/ Demand Draft/Money order in favor of 'YAISHWARYAJ SEVA
SANSTHAN'. The contribution can be directly credited to 'YAISHWARYAJ
SEVA SANSTHAN' HDFC bank Account no. '1136 145 0000 126' .
File Online RTI or Anonymous RTI in INDIA: rti OPTIMA by YAISHWARYAJ
File Online RTI or Anonymous RTI in INDIA: rti OPTIMA by YAISHWARYAJ
By ram prakash
Friday, November 09, 2012, 08:25 PM Indianapolis city (balance) --
"rti OPTIMA" by 'YAISHWARYAJ' is an effort of Lucknow based NGO
YAISHWARYAJ Seva Sansthan to make sure that no RTI remains unfiled for
any reason ,whatsoever.
Telling about the operational part of "rti OPTIMA" by 'YAISHWARYAJ',
Urvashi told "Those desirous of availing this facility shall be
required to send the details of the RTI subject matter along with
200/- contribution through Indian Postal Order/ Demand Draft/Money
order in favor of 'YAISHWARYAJ SEVA SANSTHAN'. The contribution can be
directly credited to 'YAISHWARYAJ SEVA SANSTHAN' HDFC bank Account no.
'1136 145 0000 126' .
Friday, 9 November 2012
File 'Online RTI' or Anonymous RTI in INDIA: rti OPTIMA by YAISHWARYAJ
rti OPTIMA by YAISHWARYAJ is an effort of Lucknow based NGO
YAISHWARYAJ Seva Sansthan to make sure that no RTI remains unfiled for
any reason ,whatsoever. The Venture was inaugurated at Uttar Pradesh
Press Club Hazratganj Lucknow on Sunday,21st ..., 6 hours ago!rti%20optima
Back to Top
File 'Online RTI' or Anonymous RTI in INDIA:: “rti OPTIMA” by ‘YAISHWARYAJ’
File 'Online RTI' or Anonymous RTI in INDIA:: "rti OPTIMA" by 'YAISHWARYAJ'
Lucknow : India | Nov 09, 2012 at 6:54 AM PST BY ramprakash
"rti OPTIMA" by 'YAISHWARYAJ' is an effort of Lucknow based NGO
YAISHWARYAJ Seva Sansthan to make sure that no RTI remains unfiled for
any reason ,whatsoever.
The Venture was inaugurated at Uttar Pradesh Press Club Hazratganj
Lucknow on Sunday,21st October 2012 by Retd.Justice Kamleshwar
Nath,Noted Journalist,Social Worker & RTI Activist Dr. Nutan Thakur,
Noted Journalist,Social Worker & RTI Activist Izhar Ahmad Ansari and
RTI Activist Dr. Dev Dutt Sharma.
Talking on the need to start such venture, Urvashi Sharma,Secretary
YAISHWARYAJ Seva Sansthan told that since last four years, Yaishwaryaj
has been operating RTI help lines 8081898081,9235169855 and helpline
against corruption 9455553838.Based on experience of these helplines ,
group's estimates are that more than 50% RTIs remains unfiled because
of lack of time/ fear of being known /RTIs being related to the known
persons,higher officials etc.
'YAISHWARYAJ' aims to ensure that RTI of every willing citizen,who
wants but fails to file RTI for any reason,should get filed.
Keeping this in mind YAISHWARYAJ Seva Sansthan Lucknow has launched a
unique facitily "rti OPTIMA" by 'YAISHWARYAJ'.
"rti OPTIMA" by 'YAISHWARYAJ' is a platform where one can file online
RTI or Anonymous RTI 'at one's own expenses'. Its a platform where one
can file 'ONLINE RTI' in one's own name or a member of YAISHWARYAJ
shall do it for him in his/her name at one'scost.
Those desirous of availing this facility shall be required to send the
details of the RTI subject matter along with 200/- contribution
through Indian Postal Order/ Demand Draft/Money order in favor of
'YAISHWARYAJ SEVA SANSTHAN'. The contribution can be directly credited
to 'YAISHWARYAJ SEVA SANSTHAN' HDFC bank Account no. '1136 145 0000
126' .
For online RTI These 200/- shall cover drafting the RTI for
appropriate PIO/CPIO and sending it to the person by Speed
Post/Registered Post so that he should sign it and send it.
For Anonymous RTIs, these 200/- shall cover filing of RTI by Speed
Post/Registered Post and sending the hard copy of reply from PIO to
the person concerned at the address given by him/filing of first
appeal in case PIO fails to respond within 30 days.First appeal shall
be filed on 46th day from the date of dispatch of RTI to PIO/CPIO.
For further action/actions like sending hard copy/copies of RTI reply
received after filing first appeal ,reply on first appeal sent by
appellate authority to the person concerned and filing the second
appeal, further contribution of Rs. 200/- has to be sent.
If the person wants 'YAISHWARYAJ' to take up their cases in
information commissions ,a further contribution @ Rs. 200/- per
hearing per case has to be deposited in advance. This includes sending
the hard copy of order of the commission by registered/speed post to
the person concerned.
Applicants may send their name, mailing address/Mobile no./E-mail ID
if they desire to get the information of RTI filed on their subjects
through post/E-mail/SMS.
All anonymous RTIs and their replies shall be uploaded on Website and
blog as given below ,from where anyone can download them.
'YAISHWARYAJ' deserves all rights to use and publish the replies
received on anonymous RTIs filed by the member of 'YAISHWARYAJ' in
her/his name.
Anonymous RTIs related to personal problems of persons who are below
poverty line, shall be filed by 'YAISHWARYAJ' at its own expenses.
Such person need not send any contribution.
Volunteers desirous of Joining 'YAISHWARYAJ' should send their two
passport size photographs, self attested Identity proof , address
proof and Joining fee. Lifetime Joining fee is Rs. 5000/- and one year
joining fee is Rs. 100/-.
Individuals and Institutions desirous of helping 'YAISHWARYAJ' in its
endeavor to ensure establishment of 'Participatory Democracy in
INDIA', are welcome to send their donations/contributions through
Indian Postal Order/ Demand Draft/Money order in favor of 'YAISHWARYAJ
SEVA SANSTHAN'. The contribution can be directly credited to
'YAISHWARYAJ SEVA SANSTHAN' HDFC bank Account no. '1136 145 0000 126'
For Further Details,one can Contact:
Urvashi Sharma
Mobile +919369613513
Mailing Address : F-2286,Rajajipuram
Uttar Pradesh,India
RTI Helpline : +918081898081
Anti Corruption Helpline : +919455553838
File 'Online RTI' or Anonymous RTI in INDIA: “rti OPTIMA” by ‘YAISHWARYAJ’
File 'Online RTI' or Anonymous RTI in INDIA: "rti OPTIMA" by 'YAISHWARYAJ'
File 'Online RTI' or Anonymous RTI in INDIA: "rti OPTIMA" by 'YAISHWARYAJ'
"rti OPTIMA" by 'YAISHWARYAJ' is an effort of Lucknow based NGO
YAISHWARYAJ Seva Sansthan to make sure that no RTI remains unfiled for
any reason ,whatsoever.
The Venture was inaugurated at Uttar Pradesh Press Club Hazratganj
Lucknow on Sunday,21st October 2012 by Retd.Justice Kamleshwar
Nath,Noted Journalist,Social Worker & RTI Activist Dr. Nutan Thakur,
Noted Journalist,Social Worker & RTI Activist Izhar Ahmad Ansari and
RTI Activist Dr. Dev Dutt Sharma.
Talking on the need to start such venture, Urvashi Sharma,Secretary
YAISHWARYAJ Seva Sansthan told that since last four years,
Yaishwaryaj has been operating RTI help lines 8081898081,9235169855
and helpline against corruption 9455553838.Based on experience of
these helplines , group's estimates are that more than 50% RTIs
remains unfiled because of lack of time/ fear of being known /RTIs
being related to the known persons,higher officials etc.
'YAISHWARYAJ' aims to ensure that RTI of every willing citizen,who
wants but fails to file RTI for any reason,should get filed.
Keeping this in mind YAISHWARYAJ Seva Sansthan Lucknow has launched a
unique facitily "rti OPTIMA" by 'YAISHWARYAJ'.
"rti OPTIMA" by 'YAISHWARYAJ' is a platform where one can file online
RTI or Anonymous RTI 'at one's own expenses'. Its a platform where
one can file 'ONLINE RTI' in one's own name or a member of
YAISHWARYAJ shall do it for him in his/her name at one'scost.
Those desirous of availing this facility shall be required to send the
details of the RTI subject matter along with 200/- contribution
through Indian Postal Order/ Demand Draft/Money order in favor of
'YAISHWARYAJ SEVA SANSTHAN'. The contribution can be directly credited
to 'YAISHWARYAJ SEVA SANSTHAN' HDFC bank Account no. '1136 145 0000
126' .
For online RTI These 200/- shall cover drafting the RTI for
appropriate PIO/CPIO and sending it to the person by Speed
Post/Registered Post so that he should sign it and send it.
For Anonymous RTIs, these 200/- shall cover filing of RTI by Speed
Post/Registered Post and sending the hard copy of reply from PIO to
the person concerned at the address given by him/filing of first
appeal in case PIO fails to respond within 30 days.First appeal shall
be filed on 46th day from the date of dispatch of RTI to PIO/CPIO.
For further action/actions like sending hard copy/copies of RTI reply
received after filing first appeal ,reply on first appeal sent by
appellate authority to the person concerned and filing the second
appeal, further contribution of Rs. 200/- has to be sent.
If the person wants 'YAISHWARYAJ' to take up their cases in
information commissions ,a further contribution @ Rs. 200/- per
hearing per case has to be deposited in advance. This includes sending
the hard copy of order of the commission by registered/speed post to
the person concerned.
Applicants may send their name, mailing address/Mobile no./E-mail ID
if they desire to get the information of RTI filed on their subjects
through post/E-mail/SMS.
All anonymous RTIs and their replies shall be uploaded on Website and
blog as given below ,from where anyone can download them.
'YAISHWARYAJ' deserves all rights to use and publish the replies
received on anonymous RTIs filed by the member of 'YAISHWARYAJ' in
her/his name.
Anonymous RTIs related to personal problems of persons who are below
poverty line, shall be filed by 'YAISHWARYAJ' at its own expenses.
Such person need not send any contribution.
Volunteers desirous of Joining 'YAISHWARYAJ' should send their two
passport size photographs, self attested Identity proof , address
proof and Joining fee. Lifetime Joining fee is Rs. 5000/- and one year
joining fee is Rs. 100/-.
Individuals and Institutions desirous of helping 'YAISHWARYAJ' in its
endeavor to ensure establishment of 'Participatory Democracy in
INDIA', are welcome to send their donations/contributions through
Indian Postal Order/ Demand Draft/Money order in favor of 'YAISHWARYAJ
SEVA SANSTHAN'. The contribution can be directly credited to
'YAISHWARYAJ SEVA SANSTHAN' HDFC bank Account no. '1136 145 0000 126'
For Further Details,one can Contact:
Urvashi Sharma
Mobile +919369613513
Mailing Address : F-2286,Rajajipuram
Uttar Pradesh,India
RTI Helpline : +918081898081
Anti Corruption Helpline : +919455553838
'ONLINE RTI' / Anonymous RTI : “rti OPTIMA” by ‘YAISHWARYAJ’
"rti OPTIMA" by 'YAISHWARYAJ' is an effort to make sure that no RTI
remains unfiled for any reason ,whatsoever.
Since last four years,we are running RTI help lines
8081898081,9235169855 .Its our experience that more than 50% RTIs
remains unfiled because of lack of time/ fear of being known /RTIs
being related to the known persons,higher officials etc.
'YAISHWARYAJ' aims to ensure that RTI of every willing citizen,who
wants but fails to file RTI for any reason,should get filed.
Keeping this in mind YAISHWARYAJ Seva Sansthan Lucknow has launched a
unique facitily "rti OPTIMA" by 'YAISHWARYAJ'.
"rti OPTIMA" by 'YAISHWARYAJ' is a platform where you can file online
RTI or Anonymous RTI 'at your own expenses'. Its a platform where you
can file 'ONLINE RTI' in your own name or a member of YAISHWARYAJ
shall do it for you in his/her name at your cost.
Those desirous of availing this facility shall be required to send the
details of the RTI subject matter along with 200/- contribution
through Indian Postal Order/ Demand Draft/Money order in favor of
'YAISHWARYAJ SEVA SANSTHAN'. The contribution can be directly credited
to 'YAISHWARYAJ SEVA SANSTHAN' HDFC bank Account no. '1136 145 0000
126' .
For online RTI These 200/- shall cover drafting the RTI for
appropriate PIO/CPIO and sending it to the person by Speed
Post/Registered Post so that he should sign it and send it.
For Anonymous RTIs, these 200/- shall cover filing of RTI by Speed
Post/Registered Post and sending the hard copy of reply from PIO to
the person concerned at the address given by him/filing of first
appeal in case PIO fails to respond within 30 days.First appeal shall
be filed on 46th day from the date of dispatch of RTI to PIO/CPIO.
For further action/actions like sending hard copy/copies of RTI reply
received after filing first appeal ,reply on first appeal sent by
appellate authority to the person concerned and filing the second
appeal, further contribution of Rs. 200/- has to be sent.
If the person wants 'YAISHWARYAJ' to take up their cases in
information commissions ,a further contribution @ Rs. 200/- per
hearing per case has to be deposited in advance. This includes sending
the hard copy of order of the commission by registered/speed post to
the person concerned.
Applicants may send their name, mailing address/Mobile no./E-mail ID
if they desire to get the information of RTI filed on their subjects
through post/E-mail/SMS.
All anonymous RTIs and their replies shall be uploaded on Website and
blog as given below ,from where anyone can download them.
'YAISHWARYAJ' deserves all rights to use and publish the replies
received on anonymous RTIs filed by the member of 'YAISHWARYAJ' in
her/his name.
Anonymous RTIs related to personal problems of persons who are below
poverty line, shall be filed by 'YAISHWARYAJ' at its own expenses.
Such person need not send any contribution.
Volunteers desirous of Joining 'YAISHWARYAJ' should send their two
passport size photographs, self attested Identity proof , address
proof and Joining fee. Lifetime Joining fee is Rs. 5000/- and one year
joining fee is Rs. 100/-.
Individuals and Institutions desirous of helping 'YAISHWARYAJ' in its
endeavor to ensure establishment of 'Participatory Democracy in
INDIA', are welcome to send their donations/contributions through
Indian Postal Order/ Demand Draft/Money order in favor of 'YAISHWARYAJ
SEVA SANSTHAN'. The contribution can be directly credited to
'YAISHWARYAJ SEVA SANSTHAN' HDFC bank Account no. '1136 145 0000 126'
For Further Details,Please Contact:
Urvashi Sharma
Mobile +919369613513
Mailing Address : F-2286,Rajajipuram
Uttar Pradesh,India
RTI Helpline : +918081898081
Anti Corruption Helpline : +919455553838
Personal info can't be disclosed under RTI: HC
Thursday, 8 November 2012
UP has no money for Mahatma Gandhi, ample for Ambedkar, Patel
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
Dear Sonia-ji, the RTI act thrives despite Congress, not because of it
Saturday, 3 November 2012
‘RTI response an insult to sacred memory of Gandhi
news link
Thursday, 1 November 2012
Government withdraws RTI Act amendments
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
RTI : Video News IBN Live : Govt not to go for amendments proposed to RTI Act in 2006
RTI Act in 2006
Please Watch
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
DoPT sends memo after slack response of depts on RTI study
Time has come to judge the judges
Monday, 29 October 2012
Sunday, 28 October 2012
Put NGOs under RTI scalpel
Put NGOs under RTI scalpel
Author: Sandhya Jain
Publication: The Pioneer
Date: August 8, 2006
The $50,000 Magsaysay Award was recently conferred upon Arvind
Kejriwal, a former Indian Revenue Service officer campaigning for the
Right to Information (RTI). Though several Indians have received this
prize from Philippines, not many citizens are aware that this is
actually an American award for Asians. Set up by the Rockefeller
Brothers Foundation, most of the purse comes from the Ford Foundation.
The citation does not say when Mr Kejriwal resigned from service, but
mentions his association with Parivartan, an entity campaigning for
RTI. Mr Kejriwal was in service when he was with Parivartan, which is
not a registered NGO (a Society, Trust, or S.25 Company). Under income
tax, it is an Association of Persons (AoP), a coming together of
persons with a profit-motive so that members can share its income,
unlike in a registered society. The Parivartan website conceals its
AoP, barring one Manish Sisodia (part-time volunteer, founder-member
and treasurer), and terms of association, yet demands a level of
transparency from governmental agencies that is not in vogue anywhere
in the world.
In a timely study on some of India's most exalted conscience-keepers,
Radha Rajan and Krishen Kak argue for public scrutiny of those who
hold society or government to ransom, usually at the behest of foreign
sponsors (NGOs, Activists & Foreign Funds. Anti-Nation Industry, Vigil
Public Opinion Forum, 2006). Kak's meticulous research shows that in
FY 2002-03, Parivartan showed receipts for Rs 2,02,489 (Rs 2,01,889
are donations); the total expenditure is Rs 1,88,164, of which
salaries take Rs 1,14,000. The only 'programme cost' is Rs 35,945 on a
'jan sunwai' public hearing), and the rest is standard administrative
However, Parivartan claims its annual fixed costs are approximately Rs
six lakh, and programme costs are "partly funded through collections
from the community itself including poor people and the shortfall is
made good by raising funds from outside". Its website does not say if
these funds are included in the receipts statement and if receipts are
issued for small sums given by poor people. Yet it wants to make the
Government of India accountable to itself on behalf of the "people of
Radha Rajan argues that many high-profile NGOs serve America's vision
of a post-Cold-War world order. Hence they advocate 'communal harmony'
in India even as jihad batters the Hindu community, and promote
'peace' with Pakistan despite its formidable terrorist infrastructure.
They are essentially political activists using social activism as a
mask for their crusade against an independent nationalist India. Thus
they are invariably anti-Government of India, anti-military,
anti-police, anti-nuclear, and, of course, anti-Hindu.
America uses the Magsaysay and other awards to legitimise its
loyalists. Indian Magsaysay awardees include Mahasweta Devi (1997),
Aruna Roy and Martin Macwan (2000), Sandeep Pandey (2002), Nirmala
Deshpande and Admiral Ramdas (2005). Then, Praful Bidwai and Achin
Vanaik received the Sean Macbride Peace Prize (2000) and Arundhati Roy
the Sydney Peace Prize (2004). In neighbouring Nepal, journalist
Bharat Koirala got the Magsaysay in 2002 for unleashing the anti-Hindu
process there. Today, a Christian Prachanda has taken over the country
by terrorising the effete political parties and the king is a virtual
Krishen Kak's expose of Harsh Mander (Scoring Against Paganism:
Untangling the Manderweb) is a warning to the Government about the
monetary subversion of serving officers by foreign regimes. In March
2002, Mander, an IAS officer, became an international celebrity when
he attacked the communal violence in Gujarat (after 58 Hindus were
burnt alive at Godhra) in an article in a leading newspaper. Feted in
the West, he claimed he had resigned from the IAS on moral grounds.
This was a deliberate falsehood, says Kak, as Mander was serving the
politico-communal agenda of ActionAid, his British employer. Mander
had managed a profitable deputation to ActionAid, getting part payment
in pound sterling in return for scuttling a government enquiry into
its communal agenda in India.
Managing to ward off moves to end his deputation, Mander took
voluntary retirement only on completing pensionable service. He sought
retirement benefits to the tune of upto a million rupees; the
Government stipulated that he cease working for ActionAid; he refused
and continued demanding retirement benefits. When Kak publicly
challenged the lie that he had resigned on moral grounds, Mander
quickly modified his rhetoric.
ActionAid's communal agenda may well be the inspiration for the UPA's
Sachar Committee, and shows how foreign agendas are wormed into the
topmost echelons of power. It recently initiated a study to sensitise
the public and civil society activists about "the dismal economic,
educational and social conditions of the Muslim masses". Of course,
ActionAid conducted no similar study about Hindu survivors in Pakistan
and Bangladesh.
ActionAid used Mander to connect over 300 voluntary agencies. Its
patronage extended to Aruna Roy of the Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan
(MKSS) and National Campaign of People's Right to Information (NCPRI).
The MKSS takes foreign institutional support in kind to evade
reporting its funds under FCRA. The MKSS-approved Lok Shikshan
Sansthan states that FCRA money can be sent to its founder-NGO Prayas
or to the Roy-connected SWRC Tilonia "and it would be transferred to
our organisation's account." Very interesting!
Kak's research has uncovered an hitherto unknown entity patronised by
Mander-ActionAid. This is the "unstructured organisation", which
solicits public money but does not say if it is registered and how it
banks the money. Shabnam Hashmi's ANHAD (with Mander, KN Panikkar and
Shubha Mudgal) is one such body. So is the Aman Ekta Manch, Aman
Samudaya, Aman Jathas, Aman Pathiks. Mander's Aashray Adhikar Abhiyan,
funded by ActionAid, does not reveal the names of the core team of
eleven professionals, or its accounts.
The disturbing aspect of these unregistered unstructured organisations
is their complete lack of accountability or legal scrutiny regarding
foreign donations. Ex-IAS officers and ex-judges often provide
respectability and protection to such dubious bodies in return for
post-retirement sinecures. It is a vicious and dangerous circle.
Russia learnt the hard way that unmonitored West-funded NGOs triggered
the spate of revolutions in the former Soviet Republics and out them
under the scanner. The majesty of the Indian state cannot be
subordinated to hupny-tupny rabble-rousers funded by the West. The
Government should immediately bring all activists under the RTI
scalpel; this will literally scalp them.
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
Lucknow RTI Seminar,Peace March,Candlelight Demonstration Pics
- Urvashi Sharma
Contact 9369613513
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838
Monday, 22 October 2012
रिव्यू पिटीशन की सुनवाई ओपन कोर्ट में हो
12:00:00 AM&pageno=4&edition=10&prntid=96321&bxid=145545343&pgno=4
लखनऊ (एसएनबी)। रिव्यू पिटीशन की सुनवाई चेम्बर में न करके ओपन कोर्ट में
की जाये। यह बात रविवार को हजरतगंज स्थित प्रेस क्लब के सभागार में
येश्वर्याज सेवा संस्थान व एक्शन ग्रुप फार राइट टू इनफारमेशन के
तत्वावधान में आयोजित सूचना आयुक्तों की नियुक्ति के सम्बन्ध में दिये गए
निर्णय के परिपेक्ष्य में सूचना के अधिकार में नई सम्भावनाओं को लेकर
परिर्चचा में मुख्य अतिथि सेवानिवृत्त न्यायाधीश कमलेश्वर नाथ ने कही।
डा. डीडी शर्मा ने कहा कि आरटीआई एक्ट को इतना जटिल बनाने का प्रयास किया
जा रहा कि वह लोगों की पहुंच से बाहर हो जाए। डा. नूतन ठाकुर ने सूचना
आयुक्तों की नियुक्ति में पारदर्शिता की प्रशंसा की तथा उन्होंने सरकार
से अपील की कि सरकार इसे जल्द से जल्द लागू करे। संस्था की सचिव उर्वशी
शर्मा ने बताया कि संस्था 'आरटीआई ऑप्टिमा' कार्यक्रम का आरम्भ कर रही
है, जिसमें संस्थान के सदस्य उन व्यक्तियों की तरफ से सूचनाए मांगेगे जो
डर के कारण सूचना नहीं मांग पाते। परिर्चचा के बाद सभी लोगों ने
प्रधानमंत्री द्वारा सूचना के अधिकार कानून को कमजोर करने के सम्बन्ध में
दिये गये बयान के विरोध में जीपीओ स्थित महात्मा गांधी की प्रतिमा तक
शान्ति मार्च निकाला तथा प्रतिमा पर मोमबत्ती जलाकर प्रदर्शन किया।
परिर्चचा में भाग लेतीं डा. नूतन ठाकुर। फोटो : एसएनबी सूचना के अधिकार
में नई सम्भावनाओं को लेकर परिर्चचा
- Urvashi Sharma
Contact 9369613513
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838